This is a simple todo app built with Django. It allows users to create, view, update and delete tasks.
- First you have to register, you can choose between registering by yourself or using your GitHub or Google account
- Users can create a new task by clicking the "Create New Task" button and entering a task description.
- Users can view all tasks on the home page.
- Users can task details such as: task owner, task title, time of creation and its completion status.
- Users can edit a task by clicking the "Change" button next to a task and updating the task description, due date or status.
- Users can delete a task by clicking the "X" button next to a task.
- Clone this repository: git clone
- Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app: python runserver
- Open the app in your web browser at http://localhost:8000
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Django 3.2.2
- Create a new task by clicking the "Create New Task" button and entering a task description.
- View all tasks on the home page. Tasks are listed in order of their due date.
- See task details.
- Edit a task by clicking the "Edit" button next to a task and updating the task description, due date or status.
- Delete a task by clicking the "Delete" button next to a task.