stm32f3-tiny-rtos ~ C ~ A tiny RTOS simply explained.
esp32-envi-sensor ~ C ~ The Envi Sensor, a digital thermometer and hygrometer powered by the ESP32 board.
- ios-envi-sensor ~ Swift ~ iOS app acting as a BLE GATT client for the Envi Sensor.
sht21 ~ C ~ ESP32 Library for the SHT21 temperature and humidity sensor.
fpga-spi-fifo ~ VHDL ~ The FPGA-Based FIFO, a Block RAM based FIFO implemented on an FPGA board acting as SPI slave device.
- arduino-spi-fifo ~ C++ ~ A simple SPI master interfacing with the FPGA-Based FIFO.
beaglebone-stuff ~ C++ ~ A collection of tiny embedded-linux projects for the BeagleBone Black.
bbb-sht21-multithreaded-http-server ~ C++ ~ A sensor web running on the BeagleBone Black.
- bbb-sht21-fat-client-qt-app ~ C++ ~ Desktop Qt application for the
sensor web.
- bbb-sht21-fat-client-qt-app ~ C++ ~ Desktop Qt application for the
blinky-tm4c ~ C ~ A collection of 30 mini-projects for the Texas Instruments TM4C123GXL LaunchPad Evaluation Kit.
misc-c ~ C ~ A place to put tiny snippets of C code that don't deserve a repository on their own.
pikestyle ~ C ~ A collection of useful data structures and algorithms.
self-balancing-robot ~ Basic ~ Self-balancing robot created for my school's final exam.
sns-to-sqs ~ TypeScript ~ Guide for publishing to an SNS topic and consuming from an SQS queue using the
in Typescript. -
chart-project ~ JavaScript ~ Data Visualization app built with Chart.js and React (+Redux) on the frontend, and Express + PostgreSQL on the backend.
c-project-template ~ C ~ Template C project to started with C and tooling on MacOS.
you-dl ~ Rust ~ An easy to use YouTube downloader written in Rust.
MaJerle/stm32-cube-cmake-vscode - Tutorial explaining how to develop and debug STM32 applications in VSCode using CMake, Ninja, and the GCC compiler.
Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes ~ C++ ~ Fixed wrong C++ answers.
lexus2k/ssd1306 ~ C ~ Fork of the ssd1306 driver library that supports STM32F3 MCUs over I2C.
- stm32f3-ssd1306-display ~ C ~ Repo showing how to use the forked ssd1306 library to drive an lcd display.