there, I'm
Deepak Kumar
I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate from IIT (BHU), Varanasi. I have expertise in C, C++, and Python, as well as experience in web development using frameworks such as Django Rest Framework. My technical proficiency extends to technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django and SQL. During my internship at Ambitio, I developed RESTful APIs for an account aggregation platform using the Django-REST framework to provide registration functionality for users. I added multiple bank accounts for money transfers and incorporated JWT, reinforcing token-based authentication, and using Bcrypt to encrypt passwords. In addition to my coding skills, I have completed projects such as "Algorithm Visualizers", "Django Poll Application" and "Secure Voting System" demonstrating my ability to solve problems and optimize processes. Besides my technical skills, I am passionate about data structures, algorithms, competitive programming, computer networking, and operating systems. In the Google KickStart 2022 Round C, I achieved a Global Rank of 684. I am an active member of other extracurricular activities, including sports and knowledge competitions. My passion for technology and innovation drives me to seek opportunities at the intersection of these fields.
‣ 🔭 I’m currently working on front-end development projects.
‣ 🌱 I’m currently learning DSA and back-end Development.
‣ 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on web dev projects.
‣ 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
‣ ⚡ Fun fact I love playing cricket...