##Web Service for AugmentedReality
#####Technologies used:
- Language: Java
- Framework: Struts2
- DB: MongoDB
- Service type: RESTful(Jersey implementation)
WAR file present in dist folder(for deployment)
#####Database structure:
- DB name: AugReality
- Collections: login, devices
- Description:
- login - Collection holds login credentials(username and password) of users
- device - Collection holds a document for every user. Each document has an array of device details.
#####MongoDB setup:
- Install MongoDB
- Default port: 27017
- Run MongoDB instance(mongod.exe)
- Use MongoShell(mongo.exe) or RoboMongo tool
- MongoDB documentation
#####Web Service Methods:
- getJson(): Get the "data.json" file containing device details for the given user.
- postDevice(): Receive form field values via PUT request and enter a device document in DB collection.
- editDevice(): Receive updated location values and update existing records in DB collection.
#####About Struts framework:
- Struts is an MVC framework of Java
- These links will give a clear idea of a basic Struts app: