- Allow registered users to log in and talk with other users in a chatroom.
- Allow users to post messages as commands into the chatroom with the following format /stock=stock_code
- Bot that will call an API using the stock_code as a parameter (https://stooq.com/q/l/?s=aapl.us&f=sd2t2ohlcv&h&e=csv, here aapl.us is the stock_code)
- The bot parse the received CSV file and then it should send a message back into the chatroom using a message broker (huey). The message will be a stock quote using the following format: “AAPL.US quote is $93.42 per share”. The post owner will be the bot.
- Chat messages ordered by their timestamps and show only the last 50 messages.
- Unit test the functionality you prefer.
How do I get set up this api? Install python +3.7 and create a virtualenv using virtualenv.
Create and running a virtualenv
user@server:~$ source venv/bin/activate
Running tests
user@server:~$ pytest -v
Running api App:
(ensembl-api-env) user@server:~$ gunicorn app:app -b localhost:8881
The api will be available on
A GET request example
curl --location --request GET ''
Response example:
{ "results": [ { "id": "2Cty2VC2xaLgWJLGaTMl", "message": "Oiee", "sender": { "uid": "oOaHPwczePZ8PuIRtnLHeUE3pcD3", "created_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "hJkqKYphnlt03e59AxVa", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:16:29.909150+00:00" }, { "id": "Knz1qZzND2dJAumys2bW", "message": "dsds /stock=amzn.us", "sender": { "uid": "oOaHPwczePZ8PuIRtnLHeUE3pcD3", "created_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "hJkqKYphnlt03e59AxVa", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:16:36.486053+00:00" }, { "id": "zZ8j9Hs2KFJCVLzqCzFP", "message": "amzn.us quote is $3004.48 (close) per share", "sender": { "uid": "WhmylOoKgsT4zM8nKsJLTcnyA0v1", "created_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "gv2wd0CevtWHSL6hpLpQ", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:16:37.788566+00:00" }, { "id": "ttT2Vq0YtLGljoQtfwW9", "message": "Hi", "sender": { "uid": "8IHMRHXQ1vOlRfnYE709G2vU3R12", "created_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "Ilq4ep1uzVYyRTGrmrYx", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:16:50.482897+00:00" }, { "id": "HQ6SJMIqv4bZOXZgaduR", "message": "/stock=appl.us", "sender": { "uid": "8IHMRHXQ1vOlRfnYE709G2vU3R12", "created_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "Ilq4ep1uzVYyRTGrmrYx", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:17:17.663364+00:00" }, { "id": "huNekTffpByTzY3E7he5", "message": "appl.us not found, try again, please!", "sender": { "uid": "WhmylOoKgsT4zM8nKsJLTcnyA0v1", "created_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "gv2wd0CevtWHSL6hpLpQ", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:17:18.974530+00:00" }, { "id": "398ng3wWAfUUZ81IUOwq", "message": "", "sender": { "uid": "8IHMRHXQ1vOlRfnYE709G2vU3R12", "created_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "Ilq4ep1uzVYyRTGrmrYx", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:17:25.716945+00:00" }, { "id": "gvECIEDO2pMHeQhEEGz2", "message": "i will buy", "sender": { "uid": "8IHMRHXQ1vOlRfnYE709G2vU3R12", "created_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "Ilq4ep1uzVYyRTGrmrYx", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:17:27.087250+00:00" }, { "id": "FQSUxPjysyTHjeYOEzWo", "message": "/stock=aapl.us", "sender": { "uid": "oOaHPwczePZ8PuIRtnLHeUE3pcD3", "created_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-10-31T02:29:06.040000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "hJkqKYphnlt03e59AxVa", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:18:46.133836+00:00" }, { "id": "IS4SRfjt4PeDZd25KMpC", "message": "aapl.us quote is $108.77 (close) per share", "sender": { "uid": "WhmylOoKgsT4zM8nKsJLTcnyA0v1", "created_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T22:34:55.684000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "gv2wd0CevtWHSL6hpLpQ", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:18:47.547378+00:00" }, { "id": "PGOjGhf5cvkifIqOZVqI", "message": "humm", "sender": { "uid": "8IHMRHXQ1vOlRfnYE709G2vU3R12", "created_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "last_login_at": "2020-11-02T18:10:55.877000+00:00", "identifier": "[email protected]", "id": "Ilq4ep1uzVYyRTGrmrYx", "provider": "password" }, "created_at": "2020-11-02T23:18:56.958344+00:00" } ] }
I have used the huey as task queue lightweight alternative.
In other terminal after, run a redis locally:
sudo docker run --name redis-chat -p 6379:6379 -d redis
After the redis running on>6379/tcp
huey_consumer.py src.task.stock.huey
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/dedeco/simple-based-chat-frontend
Replace the project config on main.js file on line 24 (setup a project on Firebase on GCP is needed)
To run the frontend :
dev_appserver.py app.yaml