The code in this directory is the code that was used for Deco et al. ms "Rare long-range cortical connections enhance information processing in humans".
System requirements: The code in this directory works for Matlab2018b and newer. Due to the massive computations for computing information processing for brain imaging data, we have included the SLURM files to be uploaded and run on the cluster.
Installation guide: Move all of the matlab files and dependencies into a folder and then use the two main programs:
Ring (and demo program): run_demo_ring_hopf_G.m (
fMRI whole-brain model: slurm.sbatch_hopf_turbu_longrange.m (to be run on a SLURM compatible cluster) read_hopf_SClong.m (to read the output of the cluster results)
Demo: Load "run_demo_ring_hopf_G.m" into Matlab Run this program Depending the G_range (in line 55) and the computing power of computer, this will take a couple of hours. The expected output is all the variables shown in the ms. As an example, the code will plot the turbulence as a function global coupling (G) for short range and long range connections.
Instructions for use: You will need a license for Matlab to run the ring results. Due to the computational demands for the neuroimaging results, you will need a SLURM compatible cluster. The two main programs will generate and reproduce all of the quantitative results in the manuscript.