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natj committed Jul 2, 2017
0 parents commit 65cdbf2
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Showing 6 changed files with 628 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
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from polytropes import monotrope
from polytropes import polytrope
import units as cgs

#SLy (Skyrme) crust
KSLy = [6.80110e-9, 1.06186e-6, 5.32697e1, 3.99874e-8] #Scaling constants
GSLy = [1.58425, 1.28733, 0.62223, 1.35692] #polytropic indices
RSLy = [1.e4, 2.44034e7, 3.78358e11, 2.62780e12 ] #transition depths

tropes = []
trans = []

pm = None
for (K, G, r) in zip(KSLy, GSLy, RSLy):
m = monotrope(K*cgs.c**2, G)
tropes.append( m )

#correct transition depths to avoid jumps
if not(pm == None):
rho_tr = (m.K / pm.K )**( 1.0/( pm.G - m.G ) )
#print rho_tr, np.log10(rho_tr), r, rho_tr/r
rho_tr = r
pm = m


#Create crust using polytrope class
SLyCrust = polytrope(tropes, trans)
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import units as cgs
from math import pi

from polytropes import monotrope
from polytropes import polytrope

#import numpy as np

#Dictionary from Read et al 2009
# all M_max < 2Msun commented out
eosLib = {
# 'PAL6' :[ 34.380, 2.227, 2.189, 2.159, 'npem' ],
'SLy' :[ 34.384, 3.005, 2.988, 2.851, 'npem' ],
# 'APR1' :[ 33.943, 2.442, 3.256, 2.908, 'npem' ],
# 'APR2' :[ 34.126, 2.643, 3.014, 2.945, 'npem' ],
'APR3' :[ 34.392, 3.166, 3.573, 3.281, 'npem' ],
'APR4' :[ 34.269, 2.830, 3.445, 3.348, 'npem' ],
# 'FPS' :[ 34.283, 2.985, 2.863, 2.600, 'npem' ],
'WFF1' :[ 34.031, 2.519, 3.791, 3.660, 'npem' ],
'WFF2' :[ 34.233, 2.888, 3.475, 3.517, 'npem' ],
# 'WFF3' :[ 34.283, 3.329, 2.952, 2.589, 'npem' ],
# 'BBB2' :[ 34.331, 3.418, 2.835, 2.832, 'npem' ],
# 'BPAL12':[ 34.358, 2.209, 2.201, 2.176, 'npem' ],
'ENG' :[ 34.437, 3.514, 3.130, 3.168, 'npem' ],
'MPA1' :[ 34.495, 3.446, 3.572, 2.887, 'npem' ],
'MS1' :[ 34.858, 3.224, 3.033, 1.325, 'npem' ],
# 'MS2' :[ 34.605, 2.447, 2.184, 1.855, 'npem' ],
'MS1b' :[ 34.855, 3.456, 3.011, 1.425, 'npem' ],
# 'PS' :[ 34.671, 2.216, 1.640, 2.365, 'meson' ],
# 'GS1a' :[ 34.504, 2.350, 1.267, 2.421, 'meson' ],
# 'GS2a' :[ 34.642, 2.519, 1.571, 2.314, 'meson' ],
# 'BGN1H1':[ 34.623, 3.258, 1.472, 2.464, 'hyperon' ],
# 'GNH3' :[ 34.648, 2.664, 2.194, 2.304, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H1' :[ 34.564, 2.595, 1.845, 1.897, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H2' :[ 34.617, 2.775, 1.855, 1.858, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H3' :[ 34.646, 2.787, 1.951, 1.901, 'hyperon' ],
'H4' :[ 34.669, 2.909, 2.246, 2.144, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H5' :[ 34.609, 2.793, 1.974, 1.915, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H6a' :[ 34.593, 2.637, 2.121, 2.064, 'hyperon' ],
# 'H7' :[ 34.559, 2.621, 2.048, 2.006, 'hyperon' ],
# 'PCL2' :[ 34.507, 2.554, 1.880, 1.977, 'hyperon' ],
# 'ALF1' :[ 34.055, 2.013, 3.389, 2.033, 'quark' ],
'ALF2' :[ 34.616, 4.070, 2.411, 1.890, 'quark' ],
# 'ALF3' :[ 34.283, 2.883, 2.653, 1.952, 'quark' ],
# 'ALF4' :[ 34.314, 3.009, 3.438, 1.803, 'quark' ]

#EoS class using dense eos from Read et al (2009)
def get_eos(key):

#read eos table for parameters
ll = eosLib[ key ]

#dense eos starting pressure
p1 = 10**ll[0]

#polytrope indices
g1 = ll[1]
g2 = ll[2]
g3 = ll[3]

#transition densities
r1 = 2.8e14
r2 = 10**14.7
r3 = 10**15.0

#scaling constants
K1 = p1/(r2**g1)
K2 = K1 * r2**(g1-g2)
K3 = K2 * r3**(g2-g3)

tropes = [monotrope(K1, g1),
monotrope(K2, g2),
monotrope(K3, g3) ]
trans = [r1, r2, r3]

dense_eos = polytrope(tropes, trans)

return dense_eos

# Smoothly glue core to SLy crust
# for polytropic eos we can just unpack
# and repack the piecewise presentation
def glue_crust_and_core(crust, core):

#unpack crust and core
tropes_crust = crust.tropes
trans_crust = crust.transitions

tropes_core = core.tropes
trans_core = core.transitions

#find transition depth
rho_tr = (tropes_core[0].K / tropes_crust[-1].K )**( 1.0/( tropes_crust[-1].G - tropes_core[0].G ) )
#print "Transition from core to crust at", rho_tr, np.log10(rho_tr), crust.edens_inv( crust.pressure( rho_tr ) )/cgs.GeVfm_per_dynecm
trans_core[0] = rho_tr
#trans_crust[-1] = rho_tr

tropes = tropes_crust + tropes_core
trans = trans_crust + trans_core

for trope in tropes:
trope.a = 0.0

eos = polytrope( tropes, trans )
return eos

# Some simple phenomenological mono/bitrope EoSs
def simple_eos():

K1 = 3.99873692e-8
G1 = 1.35692395
r1 = 0

K2 = 2.23872092e-10
G2 = 3
#a = 0.010350691 * c *c
r2 = 1.4172900e14

m1 = monotrope(K1*(cgs.c**2), G1)
m2 = monotrope(K2, G2)
eos = polytrope([m1, m2], [r1, r2])

return eos

def simple_eos2():
Gamma0 = 5.0/3.0
K0 = (3.0*pi**2)**(2.0/3.0)*cgs.hbar**2/(5.0***(8.0/3.0))
Gamma1 = 3.0 # high densities: stiffer equation of state
#Gamma1 = 2.5 # high densities: softer equation of state
rho1 = 5e14
P1 = K0*rho1**Gamma0
K1 = P1/rho1**Gamma1

m1 = monotrope(K0, Gamma0)
m2 = monotrope(K1, Gamma1)
eos = polytrope([m1, m2], [0.0, rho1])

return eos

def simpler_eos():
K = 1.982e-6
G = 2.75
m = monotrope(K, G)
eos = polytrope([m], [0.0])
return eos
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import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def label_line(line, label_text, near_i=None, near_x=None, near_y=None, rotation_offset=0, offset=(0,0)):
l, = plt.loglog(x, y)
label_line(l, "text", near_x=0.32)
def put_label(i):
"""put label at given index"""
i = min(i, len(x)-2)
dx = sx[i+1] - sx[i]
dy = sy[i+1] - sy[i]
rotation = np.rad2deg(math.atan2(dy, dx)) + rotation_offset
pos = [(x[i] + x[i+1])/2. + offset[0], (y[i] + y[i+1])/2 + offset[1]]
txt = plt.text(pos[0], pos[1], label_text, size=5, rotation=rotation, color = line.get_color(),
ha="center", va="center", bbox = dict(ec='1',fc='1',pad=0))

return txt

x = line.get_xdata()
y = line.get_ydata()
ax = line.get_axes()
if ax.get_xscale() == 'log':
sx = np.log10(x) # screen space
sx = x
if ax.get_yscale() == 'log':
sy = np.log10(y)
sy = y

# find index
if near_i is not None:
i = near_i
if i < 0: # sanitize negative i
i = len(x) + i
elif near_x is not None:
for i in range(len(x)-2):
if (x[i] < near_x and x[i+1] >= near_x) or (x[i+1] < near_x and x[i] >= near_x):
elif near_y is not None:
for i in range(len(y)-2):
if (y[i] < near_y and y[i+1] >= near_y) or (y[i+1] < near_y and y[i] >= near_y):
raise ValueError("Need one of near_i, near_x, near_y")

106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import units as cgs

#Monotropic eos
class monotrope:

#transition continuity constant
a = 0.0
cgsunits = cgs.c**2

def __init__(self, K, G):
self.K = K / self.cgsunits
self.G = G
self.n = 1.0/(G - 1)

#pressure P(rho)
def pressure(self, rho):
return self.cgsunits * self.K * rho**self.G

#energy density mu(rho)
def edens(self, rho):
return (1.0 + self.a)*rho + (self.K/(self.G - 1)) * rho**self.G

#for inverse functions lets define rho(P)
def rho(self, press):
if press < 0.0:
return 0.0
return ( press/self.cgsunits/self.K )**(1 / self.G)

# Piecewise polytropes
class polytrope:

def __init__(self, tropes, trans, prev_trope = None ):
self.tropes = tropes
self.transitions = trans

self.prs = []
self.eds = []

for (trope, transition) in zip(self.tropes, self.transitions):

if not( prev_trope == None ):
trope.a = self._ai( prev_trope, trope, transition )
transition = 0.0

ed = trope.edens(transition)
pr = trope.pressure(transition)

self.prs.append( pr )
self.eds.append( ed )

prev_ed = ed
prev_tr = transition
prev_trope = trope

def _ai(self, pm, m, tr):
return pm.a + (pm.K/(pm.G - 1))*tr**(pm.G-1) - (m.K/(m.G - 1))*tr**(m.G-1)

def _find_interval_given_density(self, rho):
if rho <= self.transitions[0]:
return self.tropes[0]

for q in range( len(self.transitions) - 1 ):
if self.transitions[q] <= rho < self.transitions[q+1]:
return self.tropes[q]

return self.tropes[-1]

#inverted equations as a function of pressure
def _find_interval_given_pressure(self, press):
if press <= self.prs[0]:
return self.tropes[0]

for q in range( len(self.prs) - 1):
if self.prs[q] <= press < self.prs[q+1]:
return self.tropes[q]

return self.tropes[-1]

def pressure(self, rho):
trope = self._find_interval_given_density(rho)
return trope.pressure(rho)

#vectorized version
def pressures(self, rhos):
press = []
for rho in rhos:
pr = self.pressure(rho)
press.append( pr )
return press

def edens_inv(self, press):
trope = self._find_interval_given_pressure(press)
rho = trope.rho(press)
return trope.edens(rho)

def rho(self, press):
trope = self._find_interval_given_pressure(press)
return trope.rho(press)


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