Node API to keep track of double-entry accounting ledgers for USD and DREAM tokens.
Dreamland is a meta verse company and has a concept of games, where every user can play these games and win DREAM tokens multiple times a day. A user can win upto 5 DREAM tokens on a single day.
DREAM tokens are a virtual currency and have a real monetary value. At the end of every hour, the DREAM tokens won by the user are converted to USD by calling a third-party API that provides the rate (for this project, this value was hardcode to 15 cents per token).
In this project, there are double-entry accounting ledgers that keep track of a user's tokens and the current USD value.
The APIs defined in this repo addresses the following features (one point per API):
- Accepts that a user has won some amount of DREAM token at a particular time of a day (can be fractional tokens)
- Returns the history of DREAM tokens a user has won for the current day so far
- Returns the history of USD amounts a user has won till now (till the previous day)
- Returns the stats: sum of tokens won on the current day so far and the total value of USD a user has in his account.
Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:davidpaley/dreamland.git
Install npm dependencies:
cd dreamland
npm install
- Create
file with
Run the following command to create your database file.
npx prisma migrate dev
And, then, execute this for seeding the DB:
npx prisma db seed
When npx prisma migrate dev
is executed against a newly created database, seeding is also triggered. The seed file in prisma/seed.ts
will be executed and your database will be populated with the sample data.
npm run dev
The server is now running on http://localhost:3000
You could import in postman this file dreamland.postman_collection.json
and interact with the API.
: get the token history of today for a user./api/v1/user/:id/usd
: Fetch USD history for a user./api/v1/user/:id/stats
: Get the number of tokens a user won today and the amount of USD that he/she has in their account.
: Execute the exchange of all the tokens that the users have by USDs./api/v1/user/:id/assignation
: Set an amount of tokens to a specific user.- Body:
tokenQuantity: Decimal
(required): The amount of tokens
- Body:
Find information here.
Please, check data-types file.
Please, review this document
Please, check this document
- Add automated tests.
- Ideally 80% coverage
- The main thing to do would be to add integration tests for the exchange token and token assignation endpoints.
- Create a cron service with Node Cron to execute the USD exchange automatically every day at the end of every hour.
- Error tracking and actual logger (instead of console log). For doing this, I would use Sentry
- Use access tokens to access this API.
- Check edge cases file and how I would avoid them.