Having only discovered AoC in 2022, could not resist doing the back catalog.
First attempts in 2022 involved using all the help I could get from 3rd party packages such as numpy and networkx.
This repository is an attempt to undertake the back catalog by just using python 3.11 without any extra packages.
The consequence of this is an evolutionary mish-mash of common
library code
for thematic AoC structures and algorithms.
There is a template day_.py
which has 3 functions
, solve_part_a
, solve_part_b
: is for handling the input and converting it to some
useful data structure.
: is wrapped with a decorator @aoc_part
will output some simple stats like execution time etc. along with the result
Due to AoC intellectual property rights I have not included the example or my
data in the repo. If you like create a .env
in the root with an environment
AOC_DATA_PATH=<path to your data>
The folder structure expected within it is year/day_nn and within the day folder
usually 2 files for the example and your data which should be named ex.txt
│ ├───day_01
│ ├───day_02
│ ├───day_03
To use the visualize_graph()
etc. in visuals.py
you will need to install
pyvis into your virtual environment.
pip install pyvis
It is not needed to run the solutions, it's only required if you wish visualise some of the lovely graphs AoC offers (i.e. 2023.20)