Simple command line tool that can create/update an sqlite database that contains the hash (by default SHA256) of all files inside a specified root folder.
- Install globally:
npm install -g hashfolder
- For the purpose of this tutorial, create a simple folder with some files, including a duplicate file:
mkdir myRootFolder
echo "content" > myRootFolder/myIndividualFile
cp myRootFolder/myIndividualFile myRootFolder/myIndividualFile2
- Create or update the database of file hashes:
hashfolder update myDb.db myRootFolder
This also prints the hash of the whole content:
SHA256: b1413456f4c52e05a3db19fa3c7ac819766be08a70b6069af911507a92622057
It is possible to configure which hash algorithms are used with the --algorithm parameter (possibly repeated to compute multiple hashes).
Note that hashfolder supports the GIT-SHA1 and GIT-SHA256 algorithms that git uses to compute the hash of blob and tree objects (i.e. files and directories).
- Show the hash of the whole content from the previously created database:
hashfolder show-hash myDb.db .
- Show the hash of an individual file from the previously created database:
hashfolder show-hash myDb.db myIndividualFile
SHA256: 434728a410a78f56fc1b5899c3593436e61ab0c731e9072d95e96db290205e53
It should display the same checksum as running:
sha256sum myRootFolder/myIndividualFile
- Find duplicates:
hashfolder find-duplicates myDb.db
It displays something like this:
Type Copies Size SHA256
file 2 8 434728a410a78f56fc1b5899c3593436e61ab0c731e9072d95e96db290205e53
1 duplicate file(s), 8 bytes
- Find all files/folders with the given checksum:
hashfolder find-hash myDb.db 434728a410a78f56fc1b5899c3593436e61ab0c731e9072d95e96db290205e53
It displays something like this:
Type Size Path
file 8 myIndividualFile
file 8 myIndividualFile2