This Vagrant/Ansible deploy set up does the following:
- creates a Ubuntu 14.04 server,
- installs the OLD and its Python/system dependencies
- installs Dative
- initializes/configures one or more OLD instances - creates MySQL database(s), tables, default rows - creates store/ directory structures for OLD instances
- serves the OLD instance(s) (nginx)
- serves Dative
Donwload the Ansible roles. These install and configure MySQL (Percona), the OLD, Dative and Nginx.:
$ cd deploy-dative-old/playbooks/dative-old $ ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml
Create the virtual machine and provision it:
$ vagrant up
To log in to the virtual machine:
$ vagrant ssh
If you make changes to the code and want to re-provision the virtual machine (via Ansible), run:
$ vagrant provision
To re-provision by only running tasks with specific tags, e.g., the dative
tag, run:
$ env ANSIBLE_ARGS="--tags=dative" vagrant provision
Tweak vars in vars-singlenode.yml. In particular, modify old_instances
control the OLD instances that are created.