Finite-state toolkit written in Clojure. Based on foma
At this point, cljfst is just a toy for learning Clojure and FSTs for NLP.
Incomplete. Current task(s) and references:
- current task: implementing Hopcroft canonical minimization algorithm (Hulden, p. 80)
- instaparse reference:
- foma reference:
At present, cljfst can compile simple transducer regexes and use them to run apply-down on input strings. To open the cljfst REPL:
$ lein run cljfst[0]:
define a regex and run apply-down on a string; for example:
cljfst[0]: regex [a:x|b:y c]* ; 4 states, 7 arcs, Cyclic. cljfst[1]: down abcabcabcabcbcbc xycxycxycxycycyc
To generate the uberjar (a single jar file that contains the contents of all of the dependencies):
$ lein uberjar
To run the .jar file:
$ java -jar target/uberjar/cljfst-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar cljfst[0]:
To run the tests from the command-line:
$ lein test
To do.