What's Changed
- fix DatabaseResourceArn SSM param by @petrkalos in #1398
- fix delete_env parameter by @petrkalos in #1397
- Fix deprecated mui tree view by @noah-paige in #1427
- Add init for resource lock by @noah-paige in #1426
- Database tables and enums for metadata forms by @SofiaSazonova in #1422
- Dependencies: Upgrade
to 4.4.1 by @dlpzx in #1441 - Fix: Typo, missing @staticmethod in ResourcePolicyRepository method by @dlpzx in #1439
- Feat: API call to query Enum values by @SofiaSazonova in #1435
- Feat: API call to query Enum values - continuation - semgrep fix by @SofiaSazonova in #1445
- Add Redshift datasets module by @dlpzx in #1424
- Fix for getting correct gluedb name for central cataloged dataset by @TejasRGitHub in #1433
- pass ShareableType instead of it's value and log exception details by @petrkalos in #1452
- Redshift dataset module testing: Re-added client factories, mocking clients by @dlpzx in #1449
- Redshift data sharing - Cluster encryption guardrails and information by @dlpzx in #1447
- Redshift data sharing - frontend changes in the Catalog - clean by @dlpzx in #1458
- Issue1456: Fix for persistent email reminders by @anushka-singh in #1457
- Redshift data sharing - Redshift connection types and namespace Id by @dlpzx in #1451
- Redshift data sharing - Boilerplate for redshift dataset sharing module by @dlpzx in #1461
- hide access point consumer details if access points feature is disabled by @fourtyplustwo in #1466
- Redshift data sharing - Make ShareObject.IAMRole a generic "Role" by @dlpzx in #1462
- Metadata forms-2: Create, display list, search list by @SofiaSazonova in #1444
- Fix: Remove enums from i-tests for MFs by @SofiaSazonova in #1473
- move backend approval_tests as the last step within the backend stage by @petrkalos in #1423
- Fix local share processors registered by @noah-paige in #1470
- Issue1468: Submit request redirect by @anushka-singh in #1469
- update checkov baseline for cdk synth output by @noah-paige in #1450
- Metadata forms 3: Metadata Form View page. Add, Edit fields by @SofiaSazonova in #1455
- Row/Column Level Data Filters by @noah-paige in #1438
- Fix history of alembic migration scripts data filters vs metadata forms by @dlpzx in #1478
- Redshift data sharing - Polish frontend views for Redshit shares by @dlpzx in #1477
- Bugfix: Parsing error in Admin settings tab by @SofiaSazonova in #1482
- Redshift data sharing - Add sharing tasks to process Redshift datashares by @dlpzx in #1467
- Upgrade axios version by @noah-paige in #1483
- Run reapply automatically if Share Verifier Task detects Unhealthy Shared Items by @noah-paige in #1476
- Save data filter perms before backfilling by @noah-paige in #1485
- Updated glue crawler security config by @mourya-33 in #1434
- Metadata forms 4: Access Control by @SofiaSazonova in #1474
- fix table share revoke with no filters by @noah-paige in #1493
- allow dbmigrations lambda to invoke any alembic command by @petrkalos in #1488
- Metadata forms 5: UI improvement + possible values validation by @SofiaSazonova in #1480
- Import Datasets: Validate that bucket is unique by @SofiaSazonova in #1498
- check bucket encryption type: key|alias by @SofiaSazonova in #1499
- Modifying Regex for fixing redirection not working when visitin s3-datasets by @TejasRGitHub in #1494
- Make log query period configurable by @SofiaSazonova in #1503
- Validate imported resource names via NamingConventionService by @SofiaSazonova in #1501
- S3Bucket WRITE/MODIFY permissions by @petrkalos in #1472
- Allow origins conf changes by @mourya-33 in #1486
- fix importing sse encrypted buckets by @petrkalos in #1514
- feat(GH-1083) share expiration by @TejasRGitHub in #1489
- Redshift data sharing - Add interface for share validations and Redshift guardrails by @dlpzx in #1484
- Bump flask-cors from 4.0.1 to 5.0.0 in /backend by @dependabot in #1515
- Bump webpack to 5.94.0 by @noah-paige in #1517
- Bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 in /frontend by @dependabot in #1518
- Update baseline removing checkov exception for glue security config by @noah-paige in #1516
- Redshift data sharing - Added methods from sharing back to redshift datasets (check_on_delete, list_shared_datasets...) by @dlpzx in #1511
- add docs on how to create table filters and assign to shares by @noah-paige in #1506
- Metadata forms 6: attach MF to Orgs, Envs and Datasets by @SofiaSazonova in #1495
- Redshift data sharing - Documentation 1 - Redshift Connections and Datasets by @dlpzx in #1512
- Redshift data sharing - Documentation 2 - Redshift Sharing by @dlpzx in #1519
- Upgrade
to 0.1.10 by @dlpzx in #1525 - Add External Id Conditions to Deployment Roles by @noah-paige in #1521
- Add bucket versioning by @noah-paige in #1522
- Upgrade body parser dependency by @noah-paige in #1530
- Increase CodeBuild timeout for integration tests by @dlpzx in #1532
- Add bucket versioning pt 2 by @noah-paige in #1529
- Upgrade send to 0.19.0 and express to 4.20.0 by @dlpzx in #1542
- Config log retention by @noah-paige in #1527
- Add check to skip processor initialization if there are not shareable items in revoke, verify and reapply by @dlpzx in #1538
- Updating logic to check if expiration is changed on the UI by @TejasRGitHub in #1545
- Add Dataset integration tests - Tables, Folders by @noah-paige in #1391
- add mlstudio integ tests by @petrkalos in #1535
- Allow configurable Region to run CDK IaC checks by @noah-paige in #1531
- Feat/integration tests dataset filters by @noah-paige in #1539
- Increase access point creation buffer time and fix bug in share cross account if condition by @SofiaSazonova in #1552
- Add Dataset integration tests - Dataset missing tests, Table Profiling by @dlpzx in #1533
- Add Permissions integration tests by @dlpzx in #1550
- Add Stacks and KeyValueTags integration tests by @dlpzx in #1551
- Add VPC network integration tests + fix tags bug in networks by @dlpzx in #1555
- Add Glossaries integration tests by @dlpzx in #1556
- Add Redshift connection tooltips and info + restrict to DATA_USER connections for import Redshift Dataset by @dlpzx in #1565
- fix setting maintenance modes enum by @noah-paige in #1567
- Feat/integration tests dashboards by @noah-paige in #1560
- Upgrade rollup to non-vulnerable version 2.79.1 -> 3.29.5 by @dlpzx in #1571
- Add Dataset integration tests - Table Columns by @dlpzx in #1548
- [Gh-1528] Configurable stack logs display by @TejasRGitHub in #1559
- Add Dataset integration tests - S3 Share requests by @SofiaSazonova in #1389
- [Gh 1570] feature flag for table metrics by @TejasRGitHub in #1574
- migrate local server to FastAPI by @petrkalos in #1577
- don't import dataall from integtest by @petrkalos in #1581
- increase codebuild timeout for integration tests by @petrkalos in #1584
- Fialed test fix: rename fixture session_cross_acc_env_1 by @SofiaSazonova in #1586
- Fix wrong environment in the verification of redshift role by @dlpzx in #1587
- Metadata form 7: Access control and deletion behaviour by @SofiaSazonova in #1540
- Integration Test CICD: iam role bugfix by @SofiaSazonova in #1589
- Enable hyperlinks in dataset description by @rbernotas in #1591
- Bandit fix: explicitly install typing-extensions by @SofiaSazonova in #1600
- Add schema in database routines in metadata forms migration script by @dlpzx in #1601
- Fixes to integration tests by @noah-paige in #1602
- Add integration tests feed by @noah-paige in #1579
- add integration tests votes by @noah-paige in #1578
- retry for LF grant_permissions by @SofiaSazonova in #1585
- MF7 bugfix by @SofiaSazonova in #1595
- Fix share expiration date calculation for end-of-month days by @dlpzx in #1594
- New permission model for Redshift ADMIN connections by @dlpzx in #1573
- warn users when evaluating a non-readonly share request by @petrkalos in #1568
- CICD Integration tests: s3 dataset shares, persistent shares by @SofiaSazonova in #1580
- CICD Integration test: table test fix by @SofiaSazonova in #1605
- CICD Integration test: iam client fix by @SofiaSazonova in #1604
- Extend id token duration if tests included as part of pipeline by @noah-paige in #1606
- Pipeline Module Updates by @noah-paige in #1616
- Clean up S3 Buckets in integration test by @dlpzx in #1603
- Integration tests - refresh tokens of AWS Clients by @dlpzx in #1607
- try to create AP every time, catch if already exists by @SofiaSazonova in #1609
- CICD: S3 dataset bug, position arguments vs arguments by name by @SofiaSazonova in #1612
- Fix - clean up buckets integration test - PR overwrite by @dlpzx in #1622
- CICD: assume consumption role from environment client by @SofiaSazonova in #1624
- CICD: share tests fixes by @SofiaSazonova in #1625
- Dashboard Integration Test Improvements by @noah-paige in #1623
- set typeguard version 4.2.1 by @noah-paige in #1634
- Restrict invitation to Redshift Connections and edit permission name by @dlpzx in #1638
- Metadata form versioning - 1 by @SofiaSazonova in #1637
- Integration tests executed on a real deployment as part of the CICD - Redshift Connections by @dlpzx in #1628
- User modal dialog - team link by @rbernotas in #1627
- Integration tests executed on a real deployment as part of the CICD - Redshift Datasets by @dlpzx in #1636
- Metadata versioning 2 by @SofiaSazonova in #1641
- Changes to the logic of calculating expiration date by @TejasRGitHub in #1635
- Metadata form Userguide by @SofiaSazonova in #1596
- Fix error message of Redshift share verifier by @dlpzx in #1647
- Fix: check if Redshift table exists before publishing it to data.all by @dlpzx in #1644
- Integration tests executed on a real deployment as part of the CICD - Redshift Shares by @dlpzx in #1643
- Upgrade
2.0.7 by @dlpzx in #1656 - Add forceDelete to shareObjects to clean-up all shareItems by @dlpzx in #1646
- Fix: integration tests missing default value for principalRoleName and msg in exception forceDelete task by @dlpzx in #1661
- fix: missing CREATE_SHARE_OBJECT permission in integration tests by @dlpzx in #1663
- Fix: Remove optional AllowWrites - not supported in all regions by @dlpzx in #1664
- Fix: Remove optional AllowWrites 2 - not supported in all regions by @dlpzx in #1667
- Userguide signout flow by @noah-paige in #1629
- Metadata form versioning - 3 by @SofiaSazonova in #1648
- Added error view and unified utility to check tenant user by @dlpzx in #1657
- Add permission checks to markNotificationAsRead + deleteNotification by @noah-paige in #1654
- log API handler response only for LOG_LEVEL DEBUG. Set log level INFO for prod deployments by @dlpzx in #1662
- Add Removal Policy Retain to Bucket Policy IaC by @noah-paige in #1660
- Limit Response info dataset queries by @noah-paige in #1665
- Extend Tenant Perms Coverage by @noah-paige in #1630
- ES Search Query Collect All Response by @noah-paige in #1631
- Bump werkzeug from 3.0.3 to 3.0.6 in /backend/dataall/base/cdkproxy by @dependabot in #1666
- Bump werkzeug 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 in tests and integration tests by @dlpzx in #1672
- test unhealthy shares by @petrkalos in #1649
- assert successful updates based on stack's last log timestamp by @petrkalos in #1676
- add salt to FrontendCognitoConfig to make it always run by @petrkalos in #1674
- Upgrade Spark version to 3.3 by @noah-paige in #1675
- Lambda Event Logs Handling by @noah-paige in #1678
- add custom domain support for apigw by @petrkalos in #1679
- add warning to untrust data.all account when removing an environment by @petrkalos in #1685
- Restrict pivotRole permissions with DENY statement by @dlpzx in #1681
- Added Token Validations by @noah-paige in #1682
- get-parameter CloudfrontDistributionDomainName from us-east-1 by @petrkalos in #1687
- Tests/extend token validity by @noah-paige in #1669
- Updating overly permissive policies tagged by checkov for environment role using least privilege principles by @mourya-33 in #1632
- Update sanitization technique by @noah-paige in #1692
- Fix/input validation by @noah-paige in #1693
- Move worksheet logic to service layer by @dlpzx in #1696
- Separating Out Access Logging by @noah-paige in #1695
- return EnvironmentLogsBucketName from integraiton test getEnv query by @noah-paige in #1697
- add explicit token duration config for both JWTs by @noah-paige in #1698
- update fastapi dependency by @noah-paige in #1699
- Upgrade "cross-spawn" to "7.0.5" by @dlpzx in #1701
- Add MANAGE_SHARES permissions by @dlpzx in #1702
- Disable introspection on prod sizing by @noah-paige in #1704
- Add snyk workflow on schedule by @noah-paige in #1705
- Bump python runtime to bump cdk klayers cryptography version by @noah-paige in #1707
- tenant-permission tests by @dlpzx in #1694
- Fix Snyk Workflow to Find Project Deps by @noah-paige in #1708
- Added permission check - is tenant to update SSM parameters API by @dlpzx in #1714
- Add GET_SHARE_OBJECT permissions to get data filters API by @dlpzx in #1717
- Add permissions on list datasets for env group + cosmetic S3 Datasets by @dlpzx in #1718
- Add GET_WORKSHEET permission in RUN_SQL_QUERY by @dlpzx in #1716
- Unify Logger Config for Tasks by @noah-paige in #1709
- Change Snyk Actions by @noah-paige in #1713
- Fix integration tests for list_environment_datasets unauthorized cases by @dlpzx in #1720
- Added permissions to Quicksight monitoring service layer by @dlpzx in #1715
- make dashboards optional based on config by @petrkalos in #1677
- Add LIST_ENVIRONMENT_DATASETS permission for listing shared datasets and cleanup unused code by @dlpzx in #1719
- Add omics create_run unauthorized test and improve other tests by @dlpzx in #1723
- Introduce is_owner permissions to Glossary mutations + add new integration tests by @dlpzx in #1721
- Refactor env permissions + modify getTrustAccount by @dlpzx in #1712
- Avoid infinite loop in glossaries checks by @dlpzx in #1725
- Feed consistent permissions by @dlpzx in #1722
- Votes consistent permissions by @dlpzx in #1724
- Fix count votes integ test by @dlpzx in #1733
- Consistent get_<DATA_ASSET> permissions - Dashboards by @dlpzx in #1729
- add resource permission checks by @petrkalos in #1711
- fix test_get_dashboard_unauthorized by @petrkalos in #1736
- Consistent get_<DATA_ASSET> permissions - S3_Datasets by @dlpzx in #1727
- Integrational Tests fixes by @SofiaSazonova in #1744
- Bump deps and fix snyk workflow by @noah-paige in #1745
- CICD Integration tests: new shares for pre-existing datasets by @SofiaSazonova in #1611
- Feat/integ tests notifications by @noah-paige in #1597
- Fix global conftest shares after notifications PR by @noah-paige in #1747
- Fix snyk by @noah-paige in #1746
- Fix ruff format for latest version by @dlpzx in #1755
- Upgrade pyjwt by @dlpzx in #1758
- Metadata forms: List of Attached Forms by @SofiaSazonova in #1652
- [BUGFIX] gh-1734 by @TejasRGitHub in #1741
- [Gh 884] IAM policy splitting for requestor IAM policies by @TejasRGitHub in #1650
- GH-1756 - UI Minor change by @TejasRGitHub in #1757
- [Bugfix] - Changes in logic to delete share db by @TejasRGitHub in #1706
- [Bugfix] | GH-1749 -Fixing share expiration task by @TejasRGitHub in #1750
- Fix: Add conditional to not lock empty list of resources by @dlpzx in #1760
- Metadata form enforcement by @SofiaSazonova in #1730
- Resolve conflicts in polymorphysm naming by @SofiaSazonova in #1763
- Integration tests glossaries/dashboard bugfix by @SofiaSazonova in #1765
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0-rc1