Pull request needs code review.
Pull request is reviewed well, but should not yet be merged.
Pull request requires no code review (e.g., a sub-repository hash update).
Pull request is in progress. No review needed at this stage.
Pull request should also be back-ported to the beta/stable branch(es).
Changes should be mentioned in the release notes of the next minor version release.
This PR changes public API; next release should be major.
The PR alters the node runtime and/or the SRML modules such that the logic is materially different.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Priority 1 - 3 Low, 4 - 6 Mid, 7 - 9 High
Further information is requested
security problem such as password, security vulnerability
This will not be worked on