- scalemon: golang application with monitoring business logic (scale monitor, scalemon).
- scalemon-ops: kubernetes operator which manages monitoring deployments (scalemons)
From the machine, connected to a Kubernetes cluster could be installed with Helm 3 by running the following command:
$ helm upgrade --install scalemon ./scalemon/.helm/scalemon
The command will install the scalemon app instance together with standalone mongodb. To delete the application instance from a Kubernetes cluster run the following:
$ helm delete scalemon
Kubernetes operator is implemented with Operator Framework (https://sdk.operatorframework.io/docs/building-operators/helm/quickstart/) to run it the following actions should be done:
- Install the operator to the destination cluster.
- Install 1+ instances of monitoring app (scalemon)
It could be achieved with the following commands:
$ cd scalemon-ops
$ make deploy IMG="aolishchuk/scalemon-operator:v04" //path could be yours
$ kubectl apply -f config/resources/monitoring_v1alpha1_scalemon.yaml