This app was created for a user to be able to grab weather and top trending news articles by searching with a city name. It utilizes Python Flask as well as a responsive bootstrap-flask framework, and is powered by the Openweather and GNews API. OpenWeatherMap API GNews API To make it easier for the end user to run the app, we linked the github repo to heroku cloud and deployed it live (hosted on Heroku's free tier).
Dante Moon
Karandeep Singh
Oscar Lara
Ryan Trinh
Click on the link to navigate to the app --> Weather and News App
If running locally please follow normal procedure for any flask app but also have the following additional packes installed:
- Bootstrap-Flask
- Flask-WTF
- Flask
- Jinja2
Full list of requirements available in requirements.txt if you encounter any issues.
Adding a hourly and daily forecast
Improve input validation (currently only supports searching for a city, not city comma state)
Improve location detection
Weather alerts