This code implements the theoretical framework developped by D. Meller and N. Berkouk ( which allows to investigate the inner structure of neural networks.
All the essential code and documentation can be found in the file One example notebook is also provided.
Some of the expriments we presented in the original paper can be reproduced easily by executing the 'experiments' notebook.
In a terminal run :
git clone
cd svr
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then install torchvision, (ideally with conda) :
conda install torchvision -c pytorch
Instructions for other setups can be found here :
import torch
from svr import SVR
model = torch.hub.load('pytorch/vision:v0.10.0', 'vgg16',pretrained=True)
weights = [ w.detach() for w in model.parameters() ]
svr_vgg16 = SVR(weights)