Tested it on Ubuntu 15.04(3.19.0-34-generic).
Install it from GitHub with pip
, you must use root permission:
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/Damnever/dping.git@master
Run it, root permission is also required, no optional arguments:
sudo dping example-site.com
That's it. You can learn more from the source code.
The reason to write the C extension is I want to block SIGINT
when a ping request-response cycle is not finished. And, the Python signal module is weak, it can not support for pending a signal.
You can consider the situation like this: it sends a ICMP packet to destination, and it increases transmitted counter value, it waiting for receiving a ICMP response packet, then it increases received counter value. If it sends a packet then you enter Ctrl+C
, then the program will be interrupted, it will loss the ICMP response packet and received counter value, so the loss rate is not exactly incorrect.
Why don't I just throw the last counter value away? Because I do not wanna do this, I want to learn more and ...
The C extension is usefull. For example:
import time
import signal
from dping.sigpending import sigpending
def main():
with sigpending(signal.SIGINT):
print('Doing sth.')
for i in range(1, 6):
print('{0} sec passed!'.format(i))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == '__main__':
is Ctrl+C
Doing sth. 1 sec passed! ^C2 sec passed! 3 sec passed! 4 sec passed! 5 sec passed! Done. Interruped