Provides classes and various intake methods for Salesforce to consume Fulcrum data.
I have expanded to accept the createMetadata() and updateMetadata() methods for the Salesforce Metadata API
pip install klein
This class provides methods to create Salesforce objects from a Fulcrum Application.
This is anticipated to be feature complete. The following metadata types are mapped.
- Record Link -> Lookup
- Multiple Record Links -> Junction Master/Detail Object
- Repeatable Section -> Detail Object
- Yes/No Field -> Picklist (Neutral also mapped)
- Classification Field -> Multiselect Picklist
- Calculation Field -> Text or Number based on Fulcrum Display Type
- Text -> Text (255 or less specified for Max Length) or TextArea (No length or > 255 specified)
- Decimal Number -> Number (18,9)
- Integer Number -> Number (18,0)
- Picklist -> Picklist with Value Set Creation
- Multiselect Picklist -> Multiselect Picklist with Value Set Creation
- Fulcrum Project -> Lookup
- Date -> Date
- Time -> Text and DateTime if a Date field immediately preceeds time field in the Fulcrum field drder DateTime
- Sections are parsed
- All Fulcrum system metadata mapped
None. Should be feature complete.
This method expects the root of an application dict. These are presented different based on the context of data receipt from Fulcrum.
Webhooks encapsulate in .data
forms/{{id}}.json encapsulates in .form
forms.json encapsulates as .forms
Use create
to create new object and field metadata
Use update
to update currently existing object and field metadata
Involk construct_fulcrum_sfdc_object
Generate Custom Object Dict
Iterate Through Fields
Generate Custom Field Dict
Generate XML
Inject XML into Salesforce Metadata SOAP API
Interate Through Fields, Detect Master Detail Relationships
Generate Custom Object For Each Detail Object
Generate Custom Field Dict for Each Detail Object
Generate XML
Inject XML into Salesforce Metadata SOAP API
In this example, we get a list of every Fulcrum Application. We then iterate through the entire application set, and create an object for every Application and Repeatable Section.
It iterates through create twice, because any Lookup fields that were not active prior to the creation of the object will then be created.
An Update then takes place, so if this code is run after the fact, it will create new objects, and update metadata on previously create objects.
import json
import FulcrumApplicationToSalesforceObject as fts
import requests
_sfdcPrefix = 'f_'
_sfdcUsername = "[email protected]"
_sfdcPassword = "yourSalesforcePassword"
_sfdcToken = "yourSalesforceSecurityToken"
_sfdcSandbox = True
_fulcrumXApiToken = "yourFulcrumAPIToken"
### Don't change anything below this point
_fulcrumBaseURL = ''
fulcrumToSalesforce = fts.FulcrumApplicationToSalesforceObject ()
# Get All Fulcrum Applications
url = _fulcrumBaseURL + 'forms.json'
headers = {'X-ApiToken': _fulcrumXApiToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
fulcrumForm = r.json()
# Create new objects for each application
for application in fulcrumForm['forms']:
fulcrumToSalesforce.construct_fulcrum_sfdc_object (application, 'create')
# Run through a second time to allow new Lookup relationships to be discovered
for application in fulcrumForm['forms']:
fulcrumToSalesforce.construct_fulcrum_sfdc_object (application, 'create')
# Make one more complete pass through in order to make any metadata changes that may have gone through since initial load
for application in fulcrumForm['forms']:
fulcrumToSalesforce.construct_fulcrum_sfdc_object (application, 'update')
import json
import FulcrumApplicationToSalesforceObject as fts
from fulcrum import Fulcrum
_sfdcPrefix = 'f_'
_sfdcUsername = "[email protected]"
_sfdcPassword = "yourSalesforcePassword"
_sfdcToken = "yourSalesforceSecurityToken"
_sfdcSandbox = True
_fulcrumXApiToken = "yourFulcrumAPIToken"
#The specific Fulcrum Application Form you would like to create in salesforce
_fulcrumFormId = ""
fulcrum = Fulcrum(key=_fulcrumXApiToken)
fulcrumToSalesforce = fts.FulcrumApplicationToSalesforceObject ()
# Get Individual Fulcrum Form Fulcrum Applications
fulcrumForm = fulcrum.form.find(_fulcrumFormId)
# Create Salesforce Object From Fulcrum Form
fulcrumToSalesforce.construct_fulcrum_sfdc_object (fulcrumForm, 'create')
Logged In successfully!
Creating Object! Test Application
Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Id__c : Fulcrum Id (Text)
Creating Field! f_Location__c : Location (Location)
Creating Field! f_Assigned_To__c : Assigned To (Text)
Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Assigned_To_Id__c : Fulcrum Assigned To Id (Text)
Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Project_Id__c : Fulcrum Project Id (Text)
Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Project__c : Fulcrum Project (Lookup)
Creating Field! f_Title__c : Title (Text)
Creating Field! f_created_duration__c : Created Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
Creating Field! f_updated_duration__c : Updated Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
Creating Field! f_edited_duration__c : Edited Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 1
Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 2
Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 3
Creating Field! f_status__c : Status (Picklist)
Creating Field! f_7a8c__c : Text Label (Text)
Creating Field! f_d823__c : Number Label (Number Precision:18 Scale:9)
Creating Field! f_7a17__c : Yes No Label (Picklist)
Creating Field! f_92a0__c : Date Label (Date)
Creating Field! f_92a0_62e5__c : Time Label (DateTime)
Creating Field! f_b373__c : Single Choice Label (Picklist)
Creating Field! f_bf37__c : Multiple Choice Label (MultiselectPicklist)
Creating Field! f_8361__c : Test Repeatable Section (LongTextArea)
Creating Field! f_1fce__c : Signature (LongTextArea)
Creating Field! f_6142__c : Photos (LongTextArea)
Creating Field! f_9744__c : Videos (LongTextArea)
Creating Field! f_a4d1__c : Audio (LongTextArea)
Creating Multiple Fields! Address (Address)
Creating Field! f_3998_sub_thoroughfare__c : Address Street Number (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_thoroughfare__c : Address Street (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_suite__c : Address Suite (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_locality__c : Address City (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_sub_admin_area__c : Address County (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_admin_area__c : Address State/Province (Text)
Creating Field! f_3998_country__c : Address Country (Text)
Creating Field! f_7284__c : Barcode (Text)
Creating Field! f_e73f__c : Hyperlink (Url)
Creating Field! f_631e__c : Record Link (Lookup)
Creating Metadata!
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<key name="soapenv:Envelope" type="dict">
<key name="@xmlns:soapenv" type="str"></key>
<key name="@xmlns" type="str"></key>
<key name="soapenv:Body" type="dict">
<createMetadataResponse type="dict">
<result type="list">
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Fulcrum_Id__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Location__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Assigned_To__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Fulcrum_Assigned_To_Id__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Fulcrum_Project_Id__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<errors type="dict">
<message type="str">referenceTo value of 'f_Fulcrum_Project__c' does not resolve to a valid sObject type</message>
<statusCode type="str">FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION</statusCode>
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Fulcrum_Project__c</fullName>
<success type="str">false</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_Title__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_created_duration__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_updated_duration__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_edited_duration__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_status__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_7a8c__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_d823__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_7a17__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_92a0__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_92a0_62e5__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_b373__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_bf37__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_8361__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_1fce__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_6142__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_9744__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_a4d1__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_sub_thoroughfare__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_thoroughfare__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_suite__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_locality__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_sub_admin_area__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_admin_area__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_3998_country__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_7284__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_e73f__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<errors type="dict">
<message type="str">referenceTo value of 'f23b5653-f523-4189-9172-623e9f9cfebc__c' does not resolve to a valid sObject type</message>
<statusCode type="str">FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION</statusCode>
<fullName type="str">f_f23b5653_f523_4189_9172_623e9f9cfebc__c.f_631e__c</fullName>
<success type="str">false</success>
Creating Test Application Detail Object! Test Repeatable Section
Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Id__c : Fulcrum Id (Text)
Creating Field! f_Location__c : Location (Location)
Creating Field! f_Title__c : Title (Text)
Creating Field! f_8361__c : Test Application (MasterDetail)
Creating Field! f_51b5__c : Repeatable Text (Text)
Creating Metadata!
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<key name="soapenv:Envelope" type="dict">
<key name="@xmlns:soapenv" type="str"></key>
<key name="@xmlns" type="str"></key>
<key name="soapenv:Body" type="dict">
<createMetadataResponse type="dict">
<result type="list">
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c.f_Fulcrum_Id__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c.f_Location__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c.f_Title__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c.f_8361__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
<item type="dict">
<fullName type="str">f_d_8361__c.f_51b5__c</fullName>
<success type="str">true</success>
This initial proof of concept intakes requests from the Fulcrum Webhook form.create and form.update, and then Creates the associated Object and Fieles in Salesforce. Congrats, we have one-way Model integration
python ./
2019-04-14 08:06:26-0700 [-] Log opened.
2019-04-14 08:06:26-0700 [-] Site starting on 8080
2019-04-14 08:06:26-0700 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x10568e5f0>
2019-04-14 08:06:31-0700 [-]
2019-04-14 08:06:31-0700 [-] "" - - [14/Apr/2019:15:06:31 +0000] "POST /fulcrumApp/webHook/Receipt HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "Ruby"
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-]
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Form Update
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-]
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Logged In successfully!
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-]
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Object! Test Application
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Id__c : Fulcrum Id (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Location__c : Location (Location)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Assigned_To__c : Assigned To (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Assigned_To_Id__c : Fulcrum Assigned To Id (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Project_Id__c : Fulcrum Project Id (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Fulcrum_Project__c : Fulcrum Project (Lookup)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_Title__c : Title (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_created_duration__c : Created Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_updated_duration__c : Updated Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_edited_duration__c : Edited Duration (Number Precision:18 Scale:0)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 1
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 2
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field Value! status : Status (StatusField) | Value : Status 3
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_status__c : Status (Picklist)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_7a8c__c : Text Label (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_d823__c : Number Label (Number Precision:18 Scale:9)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_7a17__c : Yes No Label (Picklist)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_92a0__c : Date Label (Date)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_92a0_62e5__c : Time Label (DateTime)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_b373__c : Single Choice Label (Picklist)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_bf37__c : Multiple Choice Label (MultiselectPicklist)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_8361__c : Repeatable Section (LongTextArea)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_1fce__c : Signature (LongTextArea)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_6142__c : Photos (LongTextArea)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_9744__c : Videos (LongTextArea)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_a4d1__c : Audio (LongTextArea)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Multiple Fields! Address (Address)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_sub_thoroughfare__c : Address Street Number (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_thoroughfare__c : Address Street (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_suite__c : Address Suite (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_locality__c : Address City (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_sub_admin_area__c : Address County (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_admin_area__c : Address State/Province (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_3998_country__c : Address Country (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_7284__c : Barcode (Text)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_e73f__c : Hyperlink (Url)
2019-04-14 08:06:52-0700 [-] Creating Field! f_631e__c : Record Link (Lookup)
2019-04-14 08:06:53-0700 [-]
2019-04-14 08:06:53-0700 [-] Creating Metadata!
Feel free to contribute, submit a pull request, or let me know if you're using this. (I am)
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