- Baton Rouge, LA
- https://www.dlilab.com
Starred repositories
Bayesian Neural Field models for prediction in large-scale spatiotemporal datasets
Materials from the macroevolution module of the workshop "Biodiversity data wrangling: Linking large phylogenies with species traits and ecologies" offered at Botany 2022.
📚 Freely available programming books
LeafMachine2 is a modular suite of computer vision and machine learning algorithms that enables efficient identification, location, and measurement of vegetative, reproductive, and archival compone…
Slides for the "Interpretable SDM with Julia" workshop
A tutorial on Julia DataFrames package
zipkinlab / Policies
Forked from BahlaiLab/PoliciesLab policies and operating procedures
Extract phenological data from digitized herbarium specimens
Techniques for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
Source for https://fullstackdeeplearning.com
Stand alone markdowns with embedded shiny apps for various eco&epi models
Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
Syllabus for Computer Programming for Biologists (BIOL 7800) at Louisiana State University
Book on Julia for Data Science
Guide, reference and cheatsheet on web scraping using rvest, httr and Rselenium.