How does it work? Simple, just define your routes inside routes.yml, create some pages inside viwes directory and you are done!
These are the main files you are worried about
├── public - all public files goes here, that means css, js, images etc.
│ ├── index.php - you can add some stuff here, for example require your configs etc. but don't delete anything what's already in there
│ ├── .htaccess - don't touch this, it will break
│ └── **/** - all other public files you desire to put here
├── src - some files that handle routing, you don't have to touch that if you don't want to
└── views - you will put all your pages inside this directory,
├── error/404.php - your error 404 page, edit this based on your likings, don't delete this unless you are absolutely sure aboud what you are doing
└── **/*.php - all php files of your pages that are defined inside routes.yml
All you need to do is define name of the route, specify it's url and define which file sohould be loaded
# routes.yml
homepage: # name of the route
route: / # url
view: pages/homepage.php # file to get from the views/ directory
route: /about-us/
view: pahe/about-us.php
Router also supports dynamic routes, just provide a parameter name in curly braces and you can access it in your view file later
route: /dynamic-route/{slug}/ # dynamic parameter names slug, you can define as many parameters as you want
view: pages/dynamic-route.php
All your view files live inside views/
directory. Below are some usefull functions you can use in this files.
You can hardcode every url into your html code, but you can also let the router handle that, just use link
$this->link("homepage"); // this will generate url of specified route
/* usage <a href="<?= $this->link("homepage"); ?>">link name</a> */
// You can also provide array of url parameters as second parameter of the function
$this->link("dynamic", ['slug' => 'example-slug']); // based on example config above this will generate url /dynamic-route/example-slug/
// if route doesn't have any dynamic parameters defined, parameters will be appended as query parameters
$this->link("homepage", ['example' => 'param']); // this will generate /?example=param
If you want to get current route name from your view, you absolutely can, just call getCurrentRoute
function. For example this is especially usefull when you want to highlight active menu item.
This code will add class active to the link, if the current route is homepage
<a href="<?= $this->link('homepage') ?>" class="<?= $this->getCurrentRoute() == "homepage" ? 'active' : '' ?>">Homepage</a>