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add breakpoint by ancestry analysis script
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rjcorb committed Jan 23, 2024
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252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions analyses/braf-fusions/02-fusion-breakpoints-by-ancestry.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
title: 'Assess BRAF fusion breakpoints in PBTA ancestry cohort'
toc: TRUE
toc_float: TRUE
author: Ryan Corbett
date: "2024"

This script calculates frequency of BRAF fusion breakpoint types by predicted ancestry in pLGG, BRAF fusion subtype patients in the PBTA ancestry cohort

Load libraries and set directories

```{r load libraries and set directories}
root_dir <- rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::has_dir(".git"))
data_dir <- file.path(root_dir, "data")
analysis_dir <- file.path(root_dir, "analyses", "braf-fusions")
results_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "results")
input_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "input")
plot_dir <- file.path(analysis_dir, "plots")

Set file paths

fusion_file <- file.path(results_dir, "braf-fusions-exon-annotation.tsv")
fusion_dgd_file <- file.path(data_dir, "fusion-dgd.tsv.gz")
cohort_hist_file <- file.path(root_dir, "analyses", "survival", "results", "merged_ancestry_histology_survival.tsv")
hist_file <- file.path(data_dir, "histologies.tsv")

Load data

braf_hist <- read_tsv(cohort_hist_file)%>%
dplyr::filter(plot_group == "Low-grade glioma" & grepl("-BRAF", molecular_subtype)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(predicted_ancestry = factor(predicted_ancestry))
hist <- read_tsv(hist_file)
# filter fusion file for in-frame fusions and duplications, and determine whether BRAF kinase domain is retained
braf_fusions <- read_tsv(fusion_file) %>%
dplyr::filter(Kids_First_Participant_ID %in% braf_hist$Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
dplyr::filter(Fusion_Type == "in-frame",
grepl("duplication", annots)) %>%
mutate(keep = case_when(FusionName == "KIAA1549--BRAF" & DomainRetainedGene1B %in% c("Partial", "Yes") ~ "yes",
FusionName == "BRAF--KIAA1549" & DomainRetainedGene1A %in% c("Partial", "Yes") ~ "yes",
TRUE ~ "no"))
braf_fusions_dgd <- read_tsv(fusion_dgd_file) %>%
dplyr::filter(FusionName == "KIAA1549--BRAF" & !grepl("Tier 3|Tier 4", variant_tier)) %>%
dplyr::rename(Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID = Sample) %>%
dplyr::select(Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID, FusionName, `5_prime_region`, `3_prime_region`) %>%
dplyr::mutate(`5_prime_region` = gsub("^Exon |^exon ", "", `5_prime_region`),
`3_prime_region` = gsub("^Exon |^exon ", "", `3_prime_region`),
breakpoint_exons = paste(`5_prime_region`, `3_prime_region`, sep = ":"),
breakpoint_type = case_when(breakpoint_exons %in% c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10") ~ "common",
TRUE ~ "rare/novel"),
keep = "yes") %>%
left_join(hist[,c("Kids_First_Participant_ID", "Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID")])

Consolidate all common and rare exon breakpoints per patient

common_fusions_pbta <- braf_fusions %>%
dplyr::filter(breakpoint_exons %in% c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10") & keep == "yes") %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_common = str_c(breakpoint_exons, collapse = ";"))
common_fusions <- braf_fusions_dgd %>%
dplyr::filter(breakpoint_exons %in% c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10") & keep == "yes") %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_common = str_c(breakpoint_exons, collapse = ";")) %>%
bind_rows(common_fusions_pbta) %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons_common, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_common = str_c(breakpoint_exons_common, collapse = ";"))
rare_novel_fusions_pbta <- braf_fusions %>%
dplyr::filter(!breakpoint_exons %in% c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10") & keep == "yes") %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_rare = str_c(breakpoint_exons, collapse = ";"))
rare_novel_fusions <- braf_fusions_dgd %>%
dplyr::filter(!breakpoint_exons %in% c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10") & keep == "yes") %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_rare = str_c(breakpoint_exons, collapse = ";")) %>%
bind_rows(rare_novel_fusions_pbta) %>%
distinct(Kids_First_Participant_ID, breakpoint_exons_rare, .keep_all = T) %>%
group_by(Kids_First_Participant_ID) %>%
summarise(breakpoint_exons_rare = str_c(breakpoint_exons_rare, collapse = ";"))

Merge breakpoint data to braf hist

braf_hist <- braf_hist %>%
left_join(common_fusions) %>%
left_join(rare_novel_fusions) %>%
dplyr::filter(! | !

Add breakpoint_type column (common vs rare) and breakpoint_group column (common breakpoint type and rare merged)
braf_hist <- braf_hist %>%
dplyr::mutate(breakpoint_type = case_when(
! & ! ~ NA_character_,
! ~ "rare",
! ~ "common",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
)) %>%
# Assigne breakpoint group (unique common breakpoint or broad rare group)
dplyr::mutate(breakpoint_group = case_when(
! & ! ~ NA_character_,
breakpoint_exons_common == "16:9" ~ "16:9",
breakpoint_exons_common == "15:9" ~ "15:9",
breakpoint_exons_common == "16:11" ~ "16:11",
breakpoint_exons_common == "18:10" ~ "18:10",
! ~ "rare",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(breakpoint_group = fct_relevel(breakpoint_group,
c("18:10", "16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "rare")

How many patients do we have breakpoint data for?


## Common breakpoint summary

What is the distribution of common breakpoints by ancestry?

table(braf_hist$breakpoint_exons_common, braf_hist$predicted_ancestry)

Calculate fusion breakpoint frequency by predicted ancestry and Fisher's exact test p-value

common_breakpoints <- c("16:9", "15:9", "16:11", "18:10")
common_df <- braf_hist %>%
dplyr::filter(breakpoint_exons_common %in% common_breakpoints) %>%
group_by(breakpoint_exons_common, predicted_ancestry) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
group_by(predicted_ancestry) %>%
mutate(total_count = sum(count),
percentage = round(count / total_count * 100, 1)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ct_perc = glue::glue("{count} ({percentage}%)")) %>%
dplyr::select(breakpoint_exons_common, predicted_ancestry, ct_perc) %>%
spread(predicted_ancestry, ct_perc, fill = 0)
common_df <- common_df %>%
p = map_dbl(breakpoint_exons_common, ~round(fisher.test(table(grepl(.x, braf_hist$breakpoint_exons_common), braf_hist$predicted_ancestry))$p.value, 4))
file.path(results_dir, "lgg-braf-fusion-common-breakpoint-freq.tsv"))

Print rare/novel fusion breakpoint count by predicted ancestry

table(braf_hist$breakpoint_exons_rare, braf_hist$predicted_ancestry)

round(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection)/as.vector(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type)), 2)
fisher.test(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection))

round(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection)/as.vector(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group)), 2)
fisher.test(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection), simulate.p.value = T)

round(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type, braf_hist$CNS_region)/as.vector(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type)), 3) * 100
fisher.test(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_type, braf_hist$CNS_region))

round(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group, braf_hist$CNS_region)/as.vector(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group)), 3) * 100
fisher.test(table(braf_hist$breakpoint_group, braf_hist$CNS_region), simulate.p.value = T)

round(table(braf_hist$CNS_region, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection)/as.vector(table(braf_hist$CNS_region)), 3) * 100
fisher.test(table(braf_hist$CNS_region, braf_hist$extent_of_tumor_resection), simulate.p.value= T)

Save braf-specific hist file with breakpoint annotation

file.path(results_dir, "lgg-braf-fusion-breakpoint-annotation.tsv"))

Print session info

868 changes: 868 additions & 0 deletions analyses/braf-fusions/02-fusion-breakpoints-by-ancestry.html

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