GodMode9 v1.0.6
A new release to accompany @Plailect's update of the Guide(tm). This is not the big update you came to expect, but this time a rather small one, including mostly minor new features, maintenance and bug fixes.
This is new:
- New fancy splash screen and GodMode9 logo
- CTRtransfer made possible (recommended on A9LH only, refer to the Guide)
- New NAND backup operation in HOME menu
- Easy restore of H&S after injection from HOME menu
- Improved TWL cart compatibility (thanks to @Normmatt)
- Red screen indicates extra dangerous operations now
- Allow setting up the bonus drive even if little space is available
- Improved devkit support for NCCH / CIA operations
- Automatic detection of SD card insert and ejects (you still need to unmount!)
- Dirs can be analyzed (for total size / # of files / # of subdirs) now
- "Copy to 0:/gm9out" operation for dirs is now available
- Images can now be mounted from ram drive and bonus drive
As always, thanks everyone involved in this release, and especially to @Plailect for putting his trust in GodMode9!
And now, something else entirely: Why you don't need SafeMode9.
- First of all, know that, when running software from ARM9, a NAND backup is essential. That goes for everything, for Decrypt9, for Hourglass9, for Luma 3DS, for GodMode9 and for SafeMode9. It's not like these tools are not well tested and considered safe, but doing low level operations in ARM9 software without a NAND backup is considered foolish. You don't even have to keep your NAND backup up to date (you can, of course!), but you're supposed to have one.
- Permission unlock screens only turn up when required, and tell you about possible dangers. These should be paid attention to before unlocking, and that goes for SafeMode9 and GodMode9.
- Now, do you trust yourself to do this? When a completely red screen turns up, telling you about the dangers of unlocking that write permission and asking you to enter that button sequence, press B and do not enter that button sequence unless you know exactly what you're doing. If so, congratulations, you may now use GodMode9 instead of SafeMode9.
The one difference between SafeMode9 and GodMode9 is that SafeMode9 automatically stops before even reaching the screen mentioned under the last bullet point. Accidental entry of unlock sequences is not possible (the probability for that is somewhere in the realm of 0.001%, and that ignores several variables that make it even more improbable to happen, you also have to actually try something stupid to even reach that screen). If you're still convinced you need SafeMode9, alright, I can't stop you, but prepare to be ridiculed by your splash screen.