Tags: cycheng/iree
Pin Python version to 3.8 in release validation step. * Matches the pinned version elsewhere. * Without this, was picking up 3.10, which we don't build yet.
Add PyYAML to IREE python requirements. Some generated testing code now needs it to build the project.
Disables installed tests (take 2). (iree-org#7433) * Disables installed tests (take 2). Revert "Revert "Reverts the "installed tests" feature." (iree-org#6798)" This reverts commit 801c108.
Revert pulling in `powf` code into librt. (iree-org#7425) There seems to be an issue into how the LLVM IR for this is produced from MUSL and pulled into librt. Triaging this, but removing known bad path in the mean time.
Avoid discarding parsed input buffers. (iree-org#7420) IREE_HAL_MEMORY_ACCESS_ALL discards, which is not great if you actually care about the contents 🤦
Adding test for iree-run-trace. (iree-org#6693)
Using compiler enum instead of runtime enum. (iree-org#7410) Drops a dep on compiler->runtime.