A quick and simple image viewer for Linux, based on Python and Qt
Running iview requires Qt and PyQt installed. iview program is a single python file.
Calling iview requires specifying one or more image file names. When a single file is specified the list of all files with a known extension in the same directory is used as image list for prev/next.
- "F1" : Help on key bindings
- Left arrow : previous file
- Right arrow : next file
- "1", "2", "3", "4" : Sets exact 1/1, 2/1, 3/1 or 4/1 pixel scaling
- "0", Home : Zoom image to fit view
- "F" : Fullscreen on/off
- "R" : Rotate image
- "E" : Ellipse markup mode ("1"-"9" thickness, "R"/"G"/"B" color)
- "A" : Arrow markup mode ("1"-"9" thickness, "R"/"G"/"B" color)
- "T" : Text markup mode (ctrl-"1".."9" font size, ctrl-"R"/"G"/"B" color)
- "Y" : Grayscale conversion (simply keeps green channel only)
- "P" : Pixel inspection mode
- "M" : Measuring mode
- "C" : Crop image
- "S" : Save image as
- "U" : Undo unsaved changes (rotation/crop/markup)
- "F2" : Rename current file
- "Del" : Delete current file
Mouse drag does panning, mouse wheel does zooming.
Smooth scaling when zooming out, hard scaling when zooming in
When changing to next/prev picture the view is not changed if picture size is the same (allows looking at several images as an animation)
Updating the image on disk updates the view (live display)
Zoom is centered on mouse position
Transparency support, measuring mode
Rotation, cropping, simple markup and format conversion with "save as..."
Supports most image formats (anything QImage accepts). On my system the list of known extensions is: bmp, bw, bw, dds, eps, eps, epsf, epsf, epsi, epsi, exr, exr, gif, ico, jp2, jpeg, jpg, mng, pbm, pcx, pcx, pgm, pic, png, ppm, psd, psd, ras, ras, rgb, rgb, rgba, rgba, sgi, sgi, svg, svgz, tga, tga, tif, tiff, xbm, xcf, xcf, xpm, xv.
PGM file writing (strangely unsupported by QImage)
Running with --screenshot [filename] takes a full desktop screenshot and opens it
Allows visualization of a vector overlay on the image allowing
- filled polygons
- stroked polygons
- circles
- "x" crosses
- "+" crosses
- text
Vector data is loaded if a file with the same name as the image with the addition of ".vo" is present. See code for format.