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v2.0.0 2020-10-29

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@njr2128 njr2128 released this 29 Oct 18:41
· 62 commits to master since this release

Second major release of manuscript-object with significant changes to the core object code.

  • All of the central code is now in two files, with one auxiliary file (
  • usage remains unchanged
  • The titular "manuscript object" is now a class called Manuscript inside a file called Each entry is turned into an object of the Entry class inside a file called

Some highlights:

  • much faster (update_entries() is, as before, the longest step)
  • increased verbosity during generation
  • manuscript and entry modules are importable and interactable
  • Manuscript and Entry classes control their own behavior
    • e.g. generating and updating derivatives happens inside the Manuscript class
    • works as before, but simply calls the update methods inside Manuscript
    • this means if you want to generate the derivative output in a Python shell and interact with it as a string or table, you can do so by importing manuscript and running one of the derivative generation methods
    • derivative generation takes place in 2 steps: generation and then writing. This enables checks for correctness before writing to disk
  • All xml is converted to lxml.etree objects for easier and more consistent parsing
  • text renditions of editorial tags are created using an XSLT stylesheet
    • this stylesheet takes parameters, so if you don't want to render del tags as <-TEXT->, for example, you can just set that to "false()"
  • As possible, functions are reused rather than duplicated in order to facilitate bug checks, e.g., there's only one function which tells you how to convert a string to an lxml.etree Element.
  • the Entry class is very flexible:
    • there are different methods to take a valid lxml.etree Element, a string of well-formed XML, or a filepath to a valid XML file
    • folio and identity arguments are optional
    • only one version of each entry is given at a time (handling tc, tcn, and tl versions is done by the Manuscript object, not the Entry)
    • if it is desired to test or inspect the contents of a txt or xml file -instead of manually opening a file - it can simply be loaded as an Entry object in a Python shell and look at the text and the properties that way

To do:

see also any open issues: