a Neovim plugin
The plugin is a sorter and easily to find your "FIXME" or "TODO" notes in a project and make them sortable as well as create your own tags and importance? I don't know this project is in it's infancy. More of a learning Lua project with Neovim so as of right now it's nothing more than just tailord for me.
use 'ctfrancia/mussol'
- plenary.nvim
takes a table with the following options:
is the name of the configpath
is the path where the custom config is located- default is
- default is
is a table of strings that will be used to search, sort, and highlight- default is { "TODO", "FIXME", "BUG", "NOTE" }
is a table of tables that will be used to highlight the targets (not implemented yet)- default is the table above