Python wrapper for GraphDB and SPARQL interface
Required OntoText installed locally, running on http://localhost:7200. This can be changed in the config/unit_test_config.yml file)
py2graphdb is a Python-SPARQL interface that allows manipultion of RDF-based triple store database to be maniplated as Python objects.
from py2graphdb.Model import NodeGraph
from py2graphdb.utils.db_utils import SPARQLDict
from owlready2 import ObjectProperty, DataProperty, rdfs
utest = default_world.get_ontology('utest')
with utest:
class hasName(DataProperty):
range = [str]
class hasNumbers(DataProperty):
range = [int]
class hasListOfNodes(ObjectProperty):
range = [Thing]
class MyNode(NodeGraph):
klass = 'utest.MyNode'
relations = {
'name' : {'pred':utest.hasName, 'cardinality':'one'},
'my_numbers' : {'pred':utest.hasNumbers, 'cardinality':'many'},
'my_nodes' : {'pred':utest.hasListOfNodes, 'cardinality':'many'}
# creates a new node object and keeps its properties synched up with the database.
my_node = MyNode(inst_id='parent_node', keep_db_synch=True)
# if no inst_id is provided, a UUID is generated.
# >> triples stored in the database:
# utest:parent_node rdf:type utest:MyNode.
# set name property (cardinality:one) = "My First Node"
# >> triples stored in the database:
# utest:parent_node utest:hasName "My First Node"^^xsd:string.
# add list of numbers (cardinality:many)
my_node.my_numbers = 123
my_node.my_numbers = 456
# >> triples stored in the database:
# utest:parent_node utest:hasNumbers 123^^xsd:integer.
# utest:parent_node utest:hasNumbers 456^^xsd:integer.
# connect object nodes
my_node.my_nodes = MyNode(inst_id='child1', keep_db_synch=True)
my_node.my_nodes = MyNode(inst_id='child2', keep_db_synch=True)
# >> triples stored in the database:
# utest:child1 rdf:type utest:MyNode.
# utest:parent_node utest:hasListOfNodes utest:child1.
# utest:child2 rdf:type utest:MyNode.
# utest:parent_node utest:hasListOfNodes utest:child2.
# find parent node if it has any of the node in the list (hasany)
node ={hasany(utest.hasListOfNodes):['utest.child1', 'utest.child2', 'utest.child3'], how='all')
print(node) # >> [utest.main_node]
# find parent node if it has all of the nodes in the list (hasall)
nodes ={hasall(utest.hasListOfNodes):['utest.child1', 'utest.child2', 'utest.child3'], how='all')
print(nodes) # >> None
res = SPARQLDict._process_path_request(my_node, '', action='ask', direction='children', how='all')
print(res) # >> False
res = SPARQLDict._process_path_request(my_node, 'utest.child1', action='ask', direction='children', how='all')
print(res) # >> True
res = SPARQLDict._process_path_request(my_node, 'utest.child1', action='collect', direction='children', how='all')
print(res) # >> [utest.child1]
conda env create -f Py2GraphDB.yml
conda activate Py2GraphDB
python -m src.py2graphdb.main
conda activate Py2GraphDB
python -m unittest