title | date | headerImg |
A Tutorial On Parsing with Alex and Happy |
2018-05-12 |
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In this note we consider an invaluable programming tool, the parser generator. The problem that we want to solve is: how do we parse strings, that is, convert (unstructured) strings, the lowest-level representation of a program text, into (highly structured) representations like expressions, statements, functions etc which can then be compiled or interpreted.
Of course, the problem is much more general and arises in pretty much every large scale system, how do you convert raw data strings, into structured objects that can be manipulated by the rest of the system.
Of course, one can imagine various convoluted algorithms for extracting structure from strings. Indeed, you may well think that the conversion routine depends heavily on the target of the conversion! However, it turns out that we can design a small domain-specific language that describes a large number of the kinds of target structures, and we will use a parser generator that will automatically convert the structure description into a parsing function!
As a running example, let us build a small interpreter for a language of arithmetic expressions, described by the type
data Aexpr
= AConst Int
| AVar String
| APlus Aexpr Aexpr
| AMinus Aexpr Aexpr
| AMul Aexpr Aexpr
| ADiv Aexpr Aexpr
shown in file Types.hs. This expression language is quite similar to what you saw for the random-art assignment, and we can write a simple recursive evaluator for it
eval :: Env -> Aexpr -> Value
eval _ (AConst i) = i
eval env (AVar x) = fromMaybe (errUnbound x) (lookup x env)
eval env (APlus e1 e2) = eval env e1 + eval env e2
eval env (AMinus e1 e2) = eval env e1 - eval env e2
eval env (AMul e1 e2) = eval env e1 * eval env e2
eval env (ADiv e1 e2) = eval env e1 `div` eval env e2
Here the env
is a [(String, Value)]
corresponding to a list
of variables and their corresponding values. Thus, if you run the
above, you would see something like
λ> eval [] (APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 6))
λ> eval [("x", 16), ("y", 10)] (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "y"))
λ> eval [("x", 16), ("y", 10)] (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "z"))
*** Exception: Error {errMsg = "Unbound variable z"}
Now it is rather tedious to write expressions like
APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 6)
, and AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "z")
We would like to obtain a simple parsing function
parse :: String -> Aexpr
that converts a string to the corresponding Aexpr
if possible.
For example, it would be sweet if we could get
λ> parse "2 + 6"
APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 6)
λ> parse "(x - y) / 2"
ADiv (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "y")) (AConst 2)
and so on. Lets see how to get there.
We will use a two-step strategy to convert raw strings into structured data.
Strings are really just a list of very low-level characters. In the first step, we will aggregate the characters into more meaningful tokens that contain more high-level information. For example, we will can aggregate a sequence of numeric characters into an integer, and a sequence of alphanumerics (starting with a lower-case alphabet) into say a variable name.
Thus, as a result of the lexing phase, we can convert a list of individual characters
into a list of tokens
Next, we will use a special description of the structures we are trying to generate called a grammar to convert the list of tokens into a tree-like representation of our final structure:
APlus (AConst 229) (AMul (AConst 98) (AVar "x2"))
The actual algorithms for converting from lists of tokens to trees are very subtle and sophisticated. We will omit a detailed description and instead just look at how the structures can themselves be represented by grammars.
Next, we get into the details of our the above strategy, by describing exactly what the lexer and parser (generators) do in terms of their input and output.
We will use the tool called alex
to automatically obtain
a lexer from a high-level description of what the tokens are and
what what sequences of characters should get mapped to tokens.
The file Lexer.x describes the set of tokens needed to represent our simple language
data Token
= NUM AlexPosn Int
| ID AlexPosn String
| PLUS AlexPosn
| MINUS AlexPosn
| MUL AlexPosn
| DIV AlexPosn
| LPAREN AlexPosn
| RPAREN AlexPosn
| EOF AlexPosn
Note that the first two tokens, NUM
and ID
also carry values with
them, respectively Int
and String
; the others just have a field
of type AlexPosn
which, roughly speaking, is the source position
at which that token was found.
Next, we must describe the sequences of characters that get aggregated into a particular token. This is done using regular expressions defined in the file Lexer.x, which has a sequence of rules of the form
[\+] { \p _ -> PLUS p }
[\-] { \p _ -> MINUS p }
[\*] { \p _ -> MUL p }
[\/] { \p _ -> DIV p }
\( { \p _ -> LPAREN p }
\) { \p _ -> RPAREN p }
$alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { \p s -> ID p s }
$digit+ { \p s -> NUM p (read s) }
Each rule is of the form: | <regexp> {hs-expr}
Intuitively, each regular expression regexp
describes a sequence of characters, and when
that sequence is matched in the input string,
the corresponding Haskell expression is evaluated
to obtain the token that corresponds to the match.
Let's see some examples,
[\+] { \p _ -> PLUS p }
[\-] { \p _ -> MINUS p }
[\*] { \p _ -> MUL p }
[\/] { \p _ -> DIV p }
\( { \p _ -> LPAREN p }
\) { \p _ -> RPAREN p }
when a character
etc. are encountered, the lexer generates the tokensPLUS
etc. respectively, -
[c1 c2 ... cn]
where eachci
is a character denotes a regular expression that matches any of the characters in the sequence. Thus, the regexp[a-zA-Z]
indicates any of the alphabets lower, or upper case and[0-9]
denotes any of the numeric digits
[0-9]+ { \p s -> NUM p (read s) }
- Thus,
[0 - 9]
denotes a regexp that matches any digit-character. When you take a regexp and put a+
in front of it, i.e.e+
corresponds to one-or-more repetitions ofe
. Thus, the regexp[0-9]+
matches a non-empty sequence of digit characters! In the Haskell expressionp
is the source position, ands
is the string corresponding to the matching characters; we return the exactInt
by computingread s
which converts the matchedString
into anInt
[a-z A-Z] [a-z A-Z 0-9 \_ \']* { \p s -> ID p s }
e1 e2
denotes a regexp that matches any strings
that can be split into two partss1
(s.t.s == s1 ++ s2
) wheres1
. That is,e1 e2
is a sequencing regexp that first matchese1
and then matchese2
. -
corresponds to zero-or-more repetitions ofe
. Thus,[a-zA-Z][a-z A-Z 0-9 \_ \']*
is a regexp that matches all strings that (1) begin with an alphabet, and then have a (possibly empty) sequence of alpha-numeric characters, or underscore or'
. As before, the entire matching string is bound to the variables
and in this case theID p s
token is returned indicating that an identifier appeared in the input stream.
We can tidy up the lexer by naming some common regexps nicely, e.g. writing
$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z]
and then simplifying the rules to:
$alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { \p s -> ID p s }
$digit+ { \p s -> NUM p (read s) }
We can run the lexer directly to look at the sequences
of tokens found. The function parseTokens
converts an input string into a buffer on which
the actual lexer operates.
λ> parseTokens "23 + 4 / off -"
Right [ NUM (AlexPn 0 1 1) 23
, PLUS (AlexPn 3 1 4)
, NUM (AlexPn 5 1 6) 4
, DIV (AlexPn 7 1 8)
, ID (AlexPn 9 1 10) "off"
, MINUS (AlexPn 13 1 14)
For each token the above shows the position at which the token was found in the input string.
Note that the the lexer finds maximal matches, that is:
λ> parseTokens "92zoo"
Right [NUM (AlexPn 0 1 1) 92, ID (AlexPn 2 1 3) "zoo"]
Here, when it hits the z
it knows that the number pattern has ended and
a new variable pattern has begun. Of course, if you give it something that
doesn't match anything, you get an exception
λ> parseTokens "%"
Left "lexical error at 1 line, 1 column"
Next, will use the tool called happy
to automatically obtain
a parser from a high-level description of the target structure
called a grammar. (Note: grammars are very deep area of study,
we're going to take a very superficial look here, guided by the
pragmatics of how to convert strings to Aexpr
A grammar is a recursive definition of a set of trees, comprising
- Terminals (aka Token Names) which describe the leaf nodes of the tree; here the leaf nodes will always be tokens returned by the lexer, so we specify the terminals as:
TNUM { NUM _ $$ }
ID { ID _ $$ }
'+' { PLUS _ }
'-' { MINUS _ }
'*' { MUL _ }
'/' { DIV _ }
'(' { LPAREN _ }
')' { RPAREN _ }
which says that TNUM
and ID
are the "terminals" for the NUM
and ID
and '+'
, '-'
etc are the tokens for the PLUS
etc. tokens.
- Non-terminals which describe the internal nodes of the tree, respectively, and are written by rules of the form:
NonTerm :
| Term-or-nonterm-1 ... Term-or-non-term-n { Hs-Expr }
that describe the possible configuration of children of each internal node, together with a Haskell expression that generates a value that is used to decorate the node. This value is computed from the values decorating the respective children.
For example, the following rules for non-terminals define
the grammar for Arith
Aexpr : BinExp { $1 }
| TNUM { AConst $1 }
| ID { AVar $1 }
| '(' Aexpr ')' { $2 }
BinExp : Aexpr '*' Aexpr { AMul $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '+' Aexpr { APlus $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '-' Aexpr { AMinus $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '/' Aexpr { ADiv $1 $3 }
Note that the above grammar (almost) directly mimics the
recursive type definition of the expressions. In the above
grammar, the two non-terminals are Aexpr
and BinExp
(we could call them whatever we like, we just picked the
same name for convenience.)
The rules AExpr
define it to be one of:
- a
(which will be expressions made out of a binary-operator), or - a
i.e. a concrete number, or - a
i.e. a variable, or - an expression surrounded by parentheses.
The terminals are the tokens we defined earlier, and each rule corresponds to how you would take the sub-trees (i.e. sub-expressions) and stitch them together to get bigger trees.
The line
%name aexpr
at the top tells happy
to use the rules for
the non-terminal AExpr
to generate a function
that parses a Token
stream into an AExpr
Next, let us consider each of the rules in turn.
| TNUM { AConst $1 }
| ID { AVar $1 }
- The base-case rules for
state that those (individual) tokens can be viewed as corresponding toAexpr
nodes. Consider the target expression in the curly braces. Here$1
denotes the value decorating the 1st (and only!) element of the corresponding non/terminal- sequence. That is, for the former (respectively latter) case$1
value) associated with the token, which we use to obtain the base arithmetic expressions via the appropriate constructors.
| '(' Aexpr ')' { $2 }
- The last rule allows us to parse parenthesized expressions;
if there is a left-paren token followed by an expresssion
followed by a matching right-paren token, then the whole
sequence is an
node. Notice how the decorated expression is simply$2
which decorates the second element of the sequence, i.e. the (sub) expression being wrapped in parentheses.
BinExp : Aexpr '*' Aexpr { AMul $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '+' Aexpr { APlus $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '-' Aexpr { AMinus $1 $3 }
| Aexpr '/' Aexpr { ADiv $1 $3 }
- The recursive case rules, e.g. for the
case says that if there is a token-sequence that is parsed into anAexpr
node, followed by a+
token, followed by a sequence that is parsed into anAexpr
node, then the entire sequence can be parsed into anAexpr
node. Here$1
refer to the first and third elements of the sequence, that is, the left and right subexpressions. The decorated value is simply the super-expression obtained by applying theAPlus
constructor to the left and right subexpressions. The same applies to
Great, lets take our parser out for a spin! First, lets build the different elements
$ cp src/Language/Arith/Parser0.y src/Language/Arith/Parser.y
$ stack build
shift/reduce conflicts: 16
and now we can load up the ghci
shell with:
$ stack ghci
which puts us in a ghci shell with the parser loaded in:
λ> evalString [] "1 + 3 + 6"
λ> evalString [("x", 100), ("y", 20)] "x - y"
And lo! we have a simple calculator that also supports variables.
Ok, looks like our calculator works fine, but lets try this
λ> evalString [] "2 * 5 + 5"
Huh?! you would think that the above should yield 15
as *
has higher
precedence than +
, and so the above expression is really (2 * 5) + 5
Indeed, if we took the trouble to put the parentheses in, the right thing
λ> evalString [] "(2 * 5) + 5"
Indeed, the same issue arises with a single operator
λ> evalString [] "2 - 1 - 1"
What happens here is that the grammar we gave is ambiguous
as there are multiple ways of parsing the string 2 * 5 + 5
, namely
APlus (AMul (AConst 2) (AConst 5)) (AConst 5)
, orAMul (AConst 2) (APlus (AConst 5) (AConst 5))
We want the former, but happy
gives us the latter!
Similarly, there are multiple ways of parsing 2 - 1 - 1
, namely
AMinus (AMinus (AConst 2) (AConst 1)) (AConst 1)
, orAMinus (AConst 2) (AMinus (AConst 1) (AConst 1))
Again, since -
is left-associative, we want the former, but
we get the latter! (Incidentally, this is why we got those wierd
grumbles about shift/reduce conflicts
when we ran stack build
above ...)
There are various ways of adding precedence, one is to hack the grammar by adding various extra non-terminals, as done here Parser2.y. Note how there are no conflicts if you use that grammar instead.
However, since this is such a common problem, there is a much simpler solution, which is to add precedence and associativity annotations to the .mly file. In particular, let us use the modified grammar Parser1.y.
$ cp src/Language/Arith/Parser1.y src/Language/Arith/Parser.y
$ stack build
check it out, no conflicts this time! The only difference between this grammar and the previous one are the lines
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
This means that all the operators are left-associative
so e1 - e2 - e3
is parsed as if it were (e1 - e2) - e3
Now, after doing
$ stack ghci
we get
λ> evalString [] "2 - 1 - 1"
Furthermore, we get that addition and subtraction have lower precedence than multiplication and division (the order of the annotations matters!)
λ> evalString [] "2 * 5 + 5"
λ> evalString [] "2 + 5 * 5"
Hence, the multiplication operator has higher precedence than the addition, as we have grown to expect, and all is well in the world.
This concludes our brief tutorial, which should suffice for your Nano programming assignment. However, if you are curious, I encourage you to look at the documentation for alex and happy for more details.