This is work-in-progress graphical display server for the Linux kernel. This is an attempt to create simpler alternatives to critical system services on Linux. At the current state, it's not as much a serious project but more of an exploration of what could be done different from existing solutions.
The code in this repo is a little rough, much of it is in flux and needs some cleanup, and there is probably some old code hanging around.
- Simplified base/low level API
- Optimized for modern/common consumer hardware
- Minimal external dependancies
I am not comfortable with the amount of complexity that exists in modern desktop operating systems. In an effort to simplify my own personal desktop experience, I wanted to try my hand at making a display server.
- I occasionally work on this and other projects live on Twitch:
- I sometimes also announce things on Twitter:
Q: Why not Wayland?
A: I think that Wayland is a significant improvement over Xorg in a number of ways. If anything I don't think that Wayland goes far enough. I think that wayland is still significantly more complex than it needs to be.