The project Has the codes to create a vertical object spawning game with two chacaters, The game concpet is unique and it is the first ever dual character controlling single player game.
The main features of the game includes a.) Dual Charcters b.) Dual touch controllers on the horizontal axis c.) Unique Obstacle spawning techniques d.) Facebook login, Share and Invite options e.) Google Play serviecs, Achivements and leadboards f.) Completing achivements allows you to gain points in google play
Main Game Objects : Character 1, Character 2, coins, traps, controllers. Main Game Scens : Main menu , Game screen , Pause menu , Final score screen
Cortex is the first Dual Character controlling single player puzzle game that aims to increase the ability of the player to use both parts of the brain at the same time thereby enhancing his/her ability to multi task and improve concentration. Cortex is created with the hope of helping others to improve their concentration by stimulating both lobes of the brain to improve ambidexterity within the player.
The game has been made with a cartoonish art style while utilizing vibrant colors so as to cater to the child within the players of all age groups
Download the repo and add open the files in Unity. Any improvements in Game Features will be accepted :D
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Bodhish Thomas Co-founder, Cresla Infotech