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actions-user committed Jan 11, 2025
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Showing 40 changed files with 2,874 additions and 0 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions DBpower/DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Package: DBpower
Type: Package
Title: Finite Sample Power Calculations for Detection Boundary Tests
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: person("Ryan", "Sun", email = "[email protected]", role
= c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Calculates lower bound on power, upper bound on power, and
exact power (small sets only) for detection boundary tests
(e.g. Berk-Jones, Generalized Berk-Jones, innovated Berk-Jones)
used in set-based inference studies. These detection boundary
tests are described in Sun et al., (2019)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
Imports: dplyr, magrittr, stats, mvtnorm, combinat, GBJ, kit,
Suggests: knitr, bindata, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2022-02-09 17:30:51 UTC; rsun3
Author: Ryan Sun [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ryan Sun <[email protected]>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2022-02-10 19:10:05 UTC
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions DBpower/MD5
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
bc85c9e39794691832f878b02e554f39 *DESCRIPTION
8e3848bc1ef1294d87682e8bf49a0348 *NAMESPACE
7bcd6c688e47a6f4d4527c44003c8b1f *R/calc_b1.R
b17984ce5225ef7588888c2f510276af *R/calc_b2.R
794c7b692db809b2cd5303948efadb0e *R/calc_exact_power.R
28179885d73fc344af92be5c99abff03 *R/set_BJ_bounds.R
634228112a842ec7d1b39ead97e41661 *R/set_GBJ_bounds.R
dc75a94e4e53bd135be1494473478690 *R/sim_b1.R
5eb37d4fb962b4cf5074ec1369a3ac31 *R/sim_b2.R
b7cb99381c8144f355b0ed508c72e1ce *R/sim_power_indiv.R
f59356d83b403e8205ce9ccfeb1fe797 *R/sim_power_mvn.R
f7ca976a55c8b7106165cadb12ec727f *build/vignette.rds
b3ec09ab82f939d329f302146529ef24 *inst/doc/DBpower_tutorial.R
cf566a65e6ff2f175c50fd64f780eedb *inst/doc/DBpower_tutorial.Rmd
02db03103bd5af69d2d217ddf19c6f8e *inst/doc/DBpower_tutorial.html
52b16f0a28dc28bac93d0733ef5801bd *man/BJ_func.Rd
a7f2382ecc13d19d3a993112b04f626b *man/GBJ_bound1_root.Rd
9ea0df5aa22b0d621a56fbe0e19da93d *man/calc_exact_power.Rd
69d3e824bc1f41c46f61c92cc6f1ddd1 *man/calcb1.Rd
56d3003b7da7bcb4c6bf5c13b986f240 *man/calcb2.Rd
990fc80572291580926b23acb8014a1d *man/checkBoundsCross.Rd
8aa15b16536180f535d41f3cdff4aea1 *man/checkBoundsLower1.Rd
ad3ab94e32c1c5cb1ceaebba449b9662 *man/checkBoundsLower2.Rd
77ad002d5e75b6d7c7c2766e9bd46571 *man/checkBoundsUpper1.Rd
6b9dc65c22eda02932b69f44aed814cd *man/checkBoundsUpper2.Rd
bb4ab610ee2f113df354cb92eb198b39 *man/createMj.Rd
dec0d859119d511dec3155aae02ebee1 *man/createMjk.Rd
e7a2082f427b36f7aa2c1104adc360bd *man/performIntegralLower1.Rd
51894d20c330a27381d2bcf29f3d179c *man/performIntegralLower2.Rd
d44ca8017b141fca73154e332599adc8 *man/performIntegralUpper1.Rd
e55c359bdfb4129617fbe15607e5ceab *man/performIntegralUpper2.Rd
55702e567129fc1d70f84edb6fe3ecfd *man/set_BJ_bounds.Rd
7e54021accbd9c84d6256588a3829c0b *man/set_GBJ_bounds.Rd
7c8d64ae2398903500ecebc28f641b1f *man/sim_b1.Rd
11c70cf0e1fda1f266aa11f08f086220 *man/sim_b2.Rd
feb42f37aef3ef22f777d6d13fb428a0 *man/sim_power_mvn.Rd
c3ee4eb5570ea6d30c2ffc7779567191 *man/sim_stats_mef.Rd
6ad5331cea18601240c902f19bd0d540 *man/sim_stats_mo.Rd
cf566a65e6ff2f175c50fd64f780eedb *vignettes/DBpower_tutorial.Rmd
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions DBpower/NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions DBpower/R/calc_b1.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
#' calc_b1.R
#' Calculate lower bound or upper bound on power when considering only the largest
#' test statistic in magnitude, i.e. only |Z|_(J) and not |Z|_(J-1).
#' @param lower Boolean, whether to calculate lower bound.
#' @param upper Boolean, whether to calculate upper bound.
#' @param muVec Mean vector of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param sigMat Covariance matrix of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param bounds A J*1 vector of bounds on the magnitudes of the test statistics, where
#' the first element is the bound for |Z|_(1) and the last element is the bound for |Z|_(J).
#' @return A list with the elements:
#' \item{allProbsLower}{J*1 vector of all components summed to calculate lower bound.}
#' \item{lowerProb}{Lower bound.}
#' \item{allProbsUpper}{J*1 vector of all components summed to calculate upper bound.}
#' \item{upperProb}{Upper bound.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' myCov <- matrix(data=0.3, nrow=5, ncol=5)
#' diag(myCov) <- 1
#' myBounds <- set_GBJ_bounds(alpha = 0.01, J=5, sig_vec = myCov[lower.tri(myCov)])
#' calcb1(muVec = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), sigMat = myCov, bounds=myBounds)
calcb1 <- function(lower = TRUE, upper = FALSE, muVec, sigMat, bounds) {

# size of set
J <- length(muVec)

# lower and upper bounds on integration. See Sun, Shi, & Lin for expressions used.
lowerBounds1 <- rep(0, 2*J - 1)
upperBounds1 <- c(bounds[J], rep(Inf, 2*J - 2))
lowerBounds2 <- c(-bounds[J], rep(-Inf, 2*J - 2))
upperBounds2 <- rep(0, 2*J - 1)

# if calculating lower bound
if (lower) {
# calculate the probability/integral for each partition of the subspace we care about
allProbsLower <- sapply(X = 1:J, FUN = performIntegralLower1, muVec = muVec, sigMat = sigMat,
lBounds1 = lowerBounds1, uBounds1 = upperBounds1, lBounds2 = lowerBounds2,
uBounds2 = upperBounds2)
# only take the positive probabilities
lowerProb <- 1 - sum(allProbsLower[which(allProbsLower > 0)])
} else {
allProbsLower <- NA
lowerProb <- NA

# if calculating upper bound
if (upper) {
# add to the bounds the -b1 \leq x \leq b1 part
lowerExt <- rep(-bounds[1], J - 1)
upperExt <- rep(bounds[1], J - 1)
# calculate the probability/integral for each partition of the subspace we care about
allProbsUpper <- sapply(X = 1:J, FUN = performIntegralUpper1, muVec = muVec, sigMat = sigMat,
lBounds1 = c(lowerBounds1, lowerExt), uBounds1 = c(upperBounds1, upperExt),
lBounds2 = c(lowerBounds2, lowerExt), uBounds2 = c(upperBounds2, upperExt))
# only take the positive probabilities
upperProb <- 1 - sum(allProbsUpper[which(allProbsUpper > 0)])
} else {
allProbsUpper <- NA
upperProb <- NA

# return
return(list(allProbsLower = allProbsLower, lowerProb = lowerProb,
allProbsUpper = allProbsUpper, upperProb = upperProb))

#' Create the matrix that linearly transforms the vector of test statistics
#' into a quantity amenable for pmvnorm.
#' @param j The element of the vector that is the largest.
#' @param size The length of the set.
#' @return The transformation matrix of dimension (2J-1)*(2J-1)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' createMj(j=3, size=5)
createMj <- function(j, size) {
# the Zj - Zk part (referred to as Zm - Zj in paper)
topHalf <- diag(rep(-1, size))[-j, ]
topHalf[, j] <- 1
# the Zj + Zk part (referred to as Zm + Zj in paper)
bottomHalf <- abs(topHalf)

# put it together
Mj <- rbind(0, topHalf, bottomHalf)
# for bound on Zm
Mj[1, j] <- 1

#' Apply this function over 1:J to calculate each portion of the integral
#' we need for the lower bound.
#' @param j Apply over this integer, the element that will be the largest in magnitude.
#' @param muVec Mean vector of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param sigMat Covariance matrix of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param lBounds1 A 2J-1 vector of lower bounds for the first integral (see paper).
#' @param uBounds1 A 2J-1 vector of upper bounds for the second integral (see paper).
#' @param lBounds2 A 2J-1 vector of lower bounds for the first integral (see paper).
#' @param uBounds2 A 2J-1 vector of upper bounds for the second integral (see paper).
#' @return The value of the integration.
#' @export
performIntegralLower1 <- function(j, muVec, sigMat, lBounds1, uBounds1, lBounds2, uBounds2) {
# transform the mean and variance using the transformMat created above
transformMat <- createMj(j = j, size = length(muVec))
newMu <- as.numeric(transformMat %*% muVec)
newSig <- transformMat %*% sigMat %*% t(transformMat)
# calculate integral
intOut1 <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = lBounds1, upper = uBounds1, mean = newMu, sigma = newSig)
intOut2 <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = lBounds2, upper = uBounds2, mean = newMu, sigma = newSig)
return(intOut1[1] + intOut2[1])

#' Apply this function over 1:J to calculate each portion of the integral
#' we need for the upper bound.
#' @param j Apply over this integer, the element that will be the largest in magnitude.
#' @param muVec Mean vector of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param sigMat Covariance matrix of test statistics under the alternative (assuming it's MVN).
#' @param lBounds1 A 3J-2 vector of lower bounds for the first integral (see paper), bounds will be longer than for performIntegralLower1.
#' @param uBounds1 A 3J-2 vector of upper bounds for the second integral (see paper).
#' @param lBounds2 A 3J-2 vector of lower bounds for the first integral (see paper).
#' @param uBounds2 A 3J-2 vector of upper bounds for the second integral (see paper).
#' @return The value of the integration.
#' @export
performIntegralUpper1 <- function(j, muVec, sigMat, lBounds1, uBounds1, lBounds2, uBounds2) {
# transform the mean and variance using the transformMat created above
transformMatTop <- createMj(j = j, size = length(muVec))
addBottom <- diag(rep(1, length(muVec)))[-j, ]
# for the upper bound, we need to add J-1 of the -b1 \leq Zj \leq b1 parts
transformMat <- rbind(transformMatTop, addBottom)

newMu <- as.numeric(transformMat %*% muVec)
newSig <- transformMat %*% sigMat %*% t(transformMat)

# bounds will be larger than for performIntegralLower1
intOut1 <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = lBounds1, upper = uBounds1, mean = newMu, sigma = newSig)
intOut2 <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = lBounds2, upper = uBounds2, mean = newMu, sigma = newSig)
return(intOut1[1] + intOut2[1])

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