Please download and install this plugin via the CraftBeerPi user interface.
You need to run the following command on your Raspberry Pi to install the missing python libs
pip install flask-ask
Just follow this tutorial and just use the CBPi IntentSchema and Utterances
Install ngrok to create a secure tunnel to your local network.
You need Amazon Developer Account to connect the Alexa Skill to your local CraftBeerPi Server.
"intents": [
"intent": "Goodbye"
"intent": "Update"
"intent": "StepIntent"
"slots": [
"name": "Sensor",
"intent": "SensorIntent"
"slots": [
"name": "K",
"intent": "KettleIntent"
"slots": [
"name": "Actor",
"intent": "ActorIntent"
Goodbye No thanks
Goodbye Stop
Update for the current state
Update give my a the current status
Update current status
Update status update please
StepIntent what step is running
StepIntent what is the current step
StepIntent current step
SensorIntent value of sensor {Test|Sensor}
SensorIntent value of sensor {Sensor|Sensor}
SensorIntent value of sensor {Thermometer|Sensor}
SensorIntent what is value of sensor {Test|Sensor}
SensorIntent what is current value of sensor {Test|Sensor}
SensorIntent what is the current value of sensor {Test|Sensor}
SensorIntent tell me the value of sensor {Test|Sensor}
KettleIntent temperature of kettle {Mash Tun|K}
KettleIntent what is temperature of kettle {Mash Tun|K}
KettleIntent what is current temperature of kettle {Mash Tun|K}
KettleIntent what is the current temperature of kettle {Mash Tun|K}
KettleIntent temperature of kettle {Hot Liquor Tank|K}
KettleIntent what is temperature of kettle {Hot Liquor Tank|K}
KettleIntent what is current temperature of kettle {Hot Liquor Tank|K}
KettleIntent what is the current temperature of kettle {Hot Liquor Tank|K}
KettleIntent temperature of kettle {Boil Kettle|K}
KettleIntent what is temperature of kettle {Boil Kettle|K}
KettleIntent what is current temperature of kettle {Boil Kettle|K}
KettleIntent what is the current temperature of kettle {Boil Kettle|K}
ActorIntent toggle actor {heater|Actor}
ActorIntent toggle actor {agiator|Actor}
ActorIntent toggle actor {pump|Actor}