A Virtual Assistant that can help in telling weather cricket scores and other tasks through voice or text input made by Alwin Sebastian, Kumar Sunny, Shashank Singh, Vaisakh N.P, Tej Akaash, Chandrahas Reddy Gurram. This assistant has features like checking the weather,sending mail,whatsapp messages, cricket scores, current news,etc. More features are being developed so stay tuned.
- Use the Requirements text file for required module list.
- Run the main_v2.1 file for code execution.
- This version is made to work for users with Opera or Chrome web browsers only as of now.
- PyAutoGUI
- PyAudio
- SpeechRecognition
- pyttsx3
- pyperclip
- pycricbuzz
- pyscreenshot
- kivymd
- gTTS
- json
- geopy
- sqlite3
- datetime
- os
- sys
- threading