This is the backend for the church social app: It has the API which handles authentication, fetching users, and fetching bible content.
first clone this repo
install nodejs
In the project directory, run
npm install --dev
to install all the dependencies
This backend uses MongoDB for the database, so install that as well
Before you can use run the application, you need to add a config file in the project root folder
touch .env
Here is an example .env that I use on development server
MONGODB_URI= "mongodb://localhost:27017/church"
SECRET_OR_KEY = "thisisasecretorkeykeepthisfromeveryoneelse"
BIBLE_API_KEY = "thisisanapikeyformakingrequeststothescriptureapi"
PORT = 3001
The bible component of the api is actually just a wrapper for the Scriptures API, more information here:
To run this app locally, simply run:
node server.js
The nodemon dev dependency, if installed, allows you to run a hot reloading version:
nodemon server.js