Visualize and interact with VTK.js persistence data.
- vtk.js
- vkt HttpDataSetReader compatible data
- noUiSlider
- If persistence filtering is enabled
: The element where the canvas and all control element will be placed into.
This can be an actual HTMLElement or a query string passed to document.querySelector
: A unique id that will be used to identify the canvas and control elements.
Canvas id will be build as: persistence_canvas_${id}
: Customized settings. Refer to the settings documentation below.
Loads a given filename using the default HttpDataSetReader.
fileName: string
: The file name / url to load.
A dataloaded
-event will be dispatched on the containing element.
This method returns a promise.
Draws all loaded points and updates enabled control element.
Returns the points filtered by persistence and selection.
Returns the loaded vtk data as an array of PersistencePointsTuples. Refer to the documentation below.
Returns the computed point bounds as an one-dimensional array.
Example: [x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max]
If no points were loaded min/max will default to -inf | inf.
Returns the computed persistence bounds as an object with keys min
and max
class Bounds {
public readonly min: number;
public readonly max: number;
Default settings:
"padding": {
"left": 40,
"top": 10,
"right": 10,
"bottom": 20
"canvasWidth": 500,
"canvasHeight": 500,
"strokeStyle": "#000",
"pointDrawFunction": "undefined",
"enableSelectionFilter": false,
"enablePersistenceFilter": false,
"enableAxes": true,
"axesColor": "#000",
"axesTickCount": 5,
"axesTickLength": 5,
"axesTickColor": "#000",
"axesTickFractions": 2,
"axesTextColor": "#000",
"selectionStopPropagation": false,
"selectionMinWidth": 10
padding: number | Padding
: Padding of the canvas
canvasWidth: number
: Canvas width in px
canvasHeight: number
: Canvas height in px
strokeStyle: string
: Stroke color
pointDrawFunction: Function
: Custom function for drawing persistence points on the canvas
enableSelectionFilter: bool
: Enable / Disable Selection control element
enablePersistenceFilter: bool
: Enable / Disable Slider control element
enableAxes: bool
: Enable / Disable Axes drawn on the canvas
axesColor: string
: Color of the axes
axesTickCount: number | number[]
: Number of ticks on the x/y axis. If argument is an array first index corresponds to number of x-axis ticks
axesTickLength: number
: Length of ticks in px. If argument is an array first index corresponds to the length of x-axis ticks
axesTickColor: string
: Color of ticks
axesTickFractions: number
: Number of fractions on each tick value
axesTextColor: string
: Color of tick values
selectionStopPropagation: boolean
: Set to true, to stop the mouse down event propagation
selectionMinWidth: number
: Min width in px that counts as a selection
A custom draw function can be passed to the rendering instance to change / extend the way points are drawn.
The function gets two arguments:
point: PersistencePointTuple
the current point to drawrenderer: IRenderer
the current rendering instance See the example section for further information.
A custom tick formatting function. Gets called for each tick value.
Must return a string.
Default: return value.toFixed(2);
class PersistencePointTuple {
readonly persistence: number;
readonly criticalType: {
readonly lower: number;
readonly upper: number;
readonly coordinates: {
readonly lower: {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly z: number;
readonly upper: {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly z: number;
* Lower Point
readonly lower: {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly z: number;
* Upper Point
readonly upper: {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly z: number;
interface IRenderer {
getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
getContext(): CanvasRenderingContext2D;
readonly defaultDrawFunction;
* Maps a x-position point to a canvas coordinate
xPos(x: number): number;
* Maps a y-position point to a canvas coordinate
yPos(y: number): number;
This is the default function used to draw persistence points:
(point, renderer) => {
renderer.getContext().moveTo(renderer.xPos(point.lower.x), renderer.yPos(point.lower.y));
renderer.getContext().lineTo(renderer.xPos(point.upper.x), renderer.yPos(point.upper.y));
The persistence filter is a two-handled slider below the canvas. Its lower and upper bounds equal to the lowest and highest point persistence.
Updating the slider handles will automatically re-draw the canvas with the newly filtered points.
The selection filter allows to select an arbitrary sized rectangle on the canvas. After the selection has ended only points inside the selection will be drawn.
The current selection can be cleared by right-clicking on the canvas.
Events are dispatched onto the container element set in the constructor.
The following events can be listened to:
- vtkdataloaded: VTK File has been fully loaded and processed
- selectionstart: Selection started
- selectionupdating: Selection size is changing
- selectionupdating: Selection has been cleared
- selectionend: Selection has ended
- Event detail field contains selection bounds
- sliderdestroyed: Persistence bounds slider has been destroyed (happens upon loading a new vtk file)
- slidercreated: Slider has been created (after new vtk file load)
- persistenceboundsupdating: Slider handles are changing
- Event detail field contains handle values
- persistenceboundsset: Slider values set
- Event detail field contains handle values
- pointsdrawn: All vtk points drawn
- pointscleared: Canvas cleared before re-draw
Listening to selection end:
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer(document.body, 'unique_id', {
enableSelectionFilter: true
renderer.container.addEventListener('selectionend', (event /* CustomEvent */) => {
console.log(`Selection Bounds are: ${event.detail}`);
Minimum needed dependencies:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vtk.js"></script>
<script src="PersistenceRenderer.js"></script>
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer(document.body, 'unique_id');
renderer.load('url / path to vtk.js data').then(()=>{
The persistence filter adds a two-handled slider below the canvas. The lower bound equals to the lowest persistence, the upper bounds equals to the biggest persistence.
After updating the slider the canvas will re-draw automatically.
<script src="" integrity="sha256-1ubcV7PzqcMhAz7jsoU3QlAfCnUaY7SUffeHa4Nq3ws=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vtk.js"></script>
<script src="PersistenceRenderer.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-IQnSeew8zCA+RvM5fNRro/UY0Aib18qU2WBwGOHZOP0=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer(document.body, 'unique_id', {
enablePersistenceFilter: true
renderer.load('url / path to vtk.js data').then(()=>{
// After using the slider filteredPoints will contain the updated selection
const points = renderer.filteredPoints();
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer(document.body, 'unique_id', {
/* This function will be called for each point */
pointDrawFunction: (point, renderer) => {
* This function first calls the default drawing function accessible on the Renderer Interface
* Example: Don't add custom elements if point persistence is lower than 0.2
if (point.persistence < 0.2) {
* This draws a blue circle with a radius of 2px on the upper point position
const context = renderer.getContext();;
context.strokeStyle = 'blue';
context.ellipse(renderer.xPos(point.upper.x), renderer.yPos(point.upper.y), 2, 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer(document.body, 'unique_id', {
enablePersistenceFilter: true,
enableSelectionFilter: true
const renderer = new PersistenceRenderer('#exampleDiv', 'id', {
canvasWidth: 1500,
canvasHeight: 250,
enablePersistenceFilter: true,
padding: {
left: 100,
top: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 30,
axesTickLength: [10, 25],
axesTickCount: [25, 8],
axesColor: 'red',
axesTickColor: 'green',
pointDrawFunction: (point, renderer) => {
const context = renderer.getContext();;
context.strokeStyle = 'blue';
context.ellipse(renderer.xPos(point.upper.x), renderer.yPos(point.upper.y), 2, 2, 0, 0, 2 * Math.PI);