This is a public repo that contains a take-home assignment for prospective CloudOps positions. Start by forking this repo and create a pull request to your forked repo when you are ready to present your solution!
This take home assignment presents a real-world challenge that is to be solved as part of the interview process.
While working on this exercise, keep in mind that it is more important to show how you worked through the design, troubleshooting issues that come up, and reasons for choosing applicable technology/tools, than simply showing the end result.
Duration: A week
If you have questions at any point of the project feel free to email James Holzbecher at [email protected].
Please make fork of the project into your GitHub account. Once you are ready to submit, send URL of the public repository in your account to the Copperleaf Recruiter you have been working with.
To demonstrate knowledge of automation and deployment technologies, tools, security, network planning, logging, metrics, monitor and any additional processes you can think of.
The CloudOps role at Copperleaf is heavily involved in creating automation to achieve efficient delivery of the flagship web-based application and all of the supporting products and infrastructure.
You are free to choose the technology (web server, containerization/vms, hosting infrastructure, automation tools, CI/CD mechanisms etc) to accomplish the desired objective. Keep in mind that there are many free options available and this assignment should not impose any direct costs.
A customer has signed the contract and is ready to go live! The product that is being delivered is a hosted website.
Included in this repo are web assets (files, images, etc) that need to be deployed and publicly accessible.
Using their web browser, the customer should be able to navigate to the URL that you provide and see the website.
The webserver and all relevant assets should be deployed using automation tools. Include any scripts or playbooks used to accomplish this.
Link to the various assets and resources included in this repo.
Include any relevant data models and structures.
Ngrok offers a reverse proxy that publishes a public URL:
Docker can be used to run an application, logically separating the process from the host infrastructure:
We use Ansible extensively to perform various automation: (
We work as a team and are happy to answer any questions that may arise during this assignment. Whether it's clarification of the objectives or specific tools and technologies that could be used, please reach out to the contact that was provided to you when we gave you this assignment.
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