This is the repository for the Model-based Verification and Monitoring for Safe and Responsive Reactive Robots SIMPAR 2025 paper
The repo has a docker with the dockerfiles contained in the folder docker/
all the properties and the monitor are inside the folder monitoring/
all the code for the execution of BT and skills is inside the folder code/
all the models for the SCAN execution are inside the folders model-high-level/
, model_scxml/
and specifications/
if you want to execute the docker you just need to install docker compose as explained here
to execute the monitoring:
cd docker
docker compose build
docker compose up ros2monitorProp1
if you want to change the properties you just need to change the property number on the docker compose up
to close everything run docker compose down
if you want to modify the property, edit the property in the folder monitoring and then run from the root folder
docker build -f "docker/Dockerfile.custom_prop1" -t ste93/mbvm:simpar2025 .
as before if the property is another one you only need to change the number of the property
to execute SCAN:
cd docker
docker compose build
docker compose up terminator
cd /home/user1/MBVM-SIMPAR2025/model_scxml
scan .