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This is a continued build of eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner to be deployed on GitHub packages. The original LICENSE is included

The eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner will format and mount NVMe SSD disks on EKS nodes. This is needed to make the sig-storage-local-static-provisioner work well with EKS clusters. The eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner will create a raid0 device if multiple NVMe SSD disks are found.

The resources in manifests expect the following node selector "true"

Therefore you must make sure to set that label on all nodes that you want to use with the eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner and sig-storage-local-static-provisioner.


Install the DaemonSet by applying the following resource

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner.yaml

Optionally you can also apply a pre-configed local-storage-provisioner that plays well with the eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner

$ kubectl apply -f manifests/storage-local-static-provisioner.yaml


$ helm upgrade --install --namespace=kube-system eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner ./helm/eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner

Relation to sig-storage-local-static-provisioner

  • eks-nvme-ssd-provisioner creates disks from block storage
  • sig-storage-local-static-provisioner creates PersistentVolumens from disks

In most cases you want both, if you have a another way to setup you disks jump directly to sig-storage-local-static-provisioner