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tree‐morph benchmarking

Owain Thorp edited this page Feb 27, 2025 · 9 revisions

Tree-morph is a library that helps you perform boilerplate-free generic tree transformations. In its current state, tree-morph is able to perform transformations in a large number of test cases, and work is now being done to try to implement Essence with tree-morph. When completed, tree-morph will be a very powerful stand-alone crate, as well as sitting at the core of conjure-oxide. Despite its current power, there is a still a lot of work to be done on the tree-morph crate. It is currently in a completely unoptimised state, and will be very slow when performing on large trees with a rich rule set and rule hierarchy. In order to assess progress on new optimisations, it is essential to have a diverse list of benchmarks. All benchmarking has been done using the crtiterion crate. The following section outlines some of the most important benchmarks.



The identity benchmark is a test designed to capture how long one tree traversal takes. There is no metadata, and the only rule is do_nothing which is never evaluated. The helper function construct_tree creates a simple tree of variable depth. This is an important benchmark to make sure that new proposed changes do not negatively effect tree-morph traversal speed.

Filename: conjure-oxide/crates/tree_morph/benches/

use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use tree_morph::prelude::*;
use uniplate::derive::Uniplate;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Uniplate)]
enum Expr {
    Branch(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
struct Meta {}
fn do_nothing(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {

fn construct_tree(n: i32) -> Box<Expr> {
    if n == 1 {
    } else {
        Box::new(Expr::Branch(Box::new(Expr::Val(0)), construct_tree(n - 1)))

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let base: i32 = 2;
    let expr = *construct_tree(base.pow(5));
    let rules = vec![vec![do_nothing]];

    c.bench_function("Identity", |b| {
        b.iter(|| {
                Meta {},

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);


The modify_leafs benchmark is designed to capture how long it takes for a simple modification rule to be applied to all of the leaf nodes. The function construct_tree creates a tree of variable depth with all leaf nodes initialised to 0. There is no metadata and the only function zero_to_one changes a leaf node of 0 to a leaf node of 1. It should be expected that this will take a lot longer than the identity benchmark, as when a node is changed in tree-morph, an entirely new tree is created.

Filename: conjure-oxide/crates/tree_morph/benches/

use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use tree_morph::prelude::*;
use uniplate::derive::Uniplate;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Uniplate)]
enum Expr {
    Branch(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),

struct Meta {} // not relevant for this benchmark

fn zero_to_one(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
    if let Expr::Val(a) = subtree {
        if let 0 = *a {
            return Some(Expr::Val(1));

fn construct_tree(n: i32) -> Box<Expr> {
    if n == 1 {
    } else {
        Box::new(Expr::Branch(Box::new(Expr::Val(0)), construct_tree(n - 1)))

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let base: i32 = 2;
    let expr = *construct_tree(base.pow(5));
    let rules = vec![vec![zero_to_one]];

    c.bench_function("Modify_leafs", |b| {
        b.iter(|| {
                Meta {},

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);


The factorial benchmark is the most difficult benchmark currently made, and an improved score on factorial will be indicative of serious gains in optimisations. As the name suggests, factorial is centred around the mathematical factorial operation (5! = 5*4*3*2*1), which will grow the tree depth, providing a rich set of transformations for tree-morph to calculate. The tree generating function random_exp_tree here takes as input a random seed and a max depth, and generates a tree of an arithmetic expression involving values, additions, multiplications and factorials. An example of such an expression with a random seed of 41 and a max depth of 5 is shown below.

(((8 + 1!) + (1 * 3)!) + (1!! * ((2 + 1) * (1 * 1))))!

It is worth mentioning that this expression is extremely large due to the nested factorials, and as such we need a way of making sure that calculations are bounded. This is achieved by modding the results of any additions and multiplications in the rule_eval_add and rule_eval_mul functions by 10, which will bound all factorial expressions by 10!. The benchmark counts the number of addition and multiplication rule applications, and also has a high priority dummy rule do_nothing, in order to increase the benchmark difficulty.

Filename: conjure-oxide/crates/tree_morph/benches/

use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use tree_morph::prelude::*;
use uniplate::derive::Uniplate;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Uniplate)]
enum Expr {
    Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
    Mul(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),

fn random_exp_tree(rng: &mut StdRng, count: &mut usize, depth: usize) -> Expr {
    if depth == 0 {
        *count += 1;
        return Expr::Val(rng.random_range(1..=3));

    match rng.random_range(1..=13) {
        x if (1..=4).contains(&x) => Expr::Add(
            Box::new(random_exp_tree(rng, count, depth - 1)),
            Box::new(random_exp_tree(rng, count, depth - 1)),
        x if (5..=8).contains(&x) => Expr::Mul(
            Box::new(random_exp_tree(rng, count, depth - 1)),
            Box::new(random_exp_tree(rng, count, depth - 1)),
        x if (8..=11).contains(&x) => {
            Expr::Factorial(Box::new(random_exp_tree(rng, count, depth - 1)))
        _ => Expr::Val(rng.random_range(1..=10)),
fn do_nothing(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {

fn factorial_eval(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
    if let Expr::Factorial(a) = subtree {
        if let Expr::Val(n) = *a.as_ref() {
            if n == 0 {
                return Some(Expr::Val(1));
            return Some(Expr::Mul(
                Box::new(Expr::Factorial(Box::new(Expr::Val(n - 1)))),

fn rule_eval_add(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
    if let Expr::Add(a, b) = subtree {
        if let (Expr::Val(a_v), Expr::Val(b_v)) = (a.as_ref(), b.as_ref()) {
            cmds.mut_meta(|m| m.num_applications_addition += 1);
            return Some(Expr::Val((a_v + b_v) % 10));

fn rule_eval_mul(cmds: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, subtree: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
    if let Expr::Mul(a, b) = subtree {
        if let (Expr::Val(a_v), Expr::Val(b_v)) = (a.as_ref(), b.as_ref()) {
            cmds.mut_meta(|m| m.num_applications_multiplication += 1);
            return Some(Expr::Val((a_v * b_v) % 10));

struct Meta {
    num_applications_addition: i32,
    num_applications_multiplication: i32,

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let seed = [41; 32];
    let mut rng = StdRng::from_seed(seed);
    let mut count = 0;

    let my_expression = random_exp_tree(&mut rng, &mut count, 10);
    let rules = vec![
        rule_fns![rule_eval_add, rule_eval_mul, factorial_eval],

    c.bench_function("factorial", |b| {
        b.iter(|| {
            let meta = Meta {
                num_applications_addition: 0,
                num_applications_multiplication: 0,

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);


The benchmarks left_add and left_add_hard are two benchmarks that evaluate a very simple nested addition expression (1+(1+(1+...))) of variable depth. In its unoptimised state, all but he final two instances of a 1 node will undergo several superfluous rule checks. The benchmark left_add_hard also is identical to left_add, except there are also four additional dummy rules, all assigned with a higher priority than the rule_eval_add. As expected, this will reduce code performance by about 400% (shown later). The code for left_add_hard is shown below, with left_add being very similar.

Filename: conjure-oxide/crates/tree_morph/benches/

use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use tree_morph::prelude::*;
use uniplate::derive::Uniplate;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Uniplate)]
enum Expr {
    Add(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),

fn rule_eval_add(_: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, expr: &Expr, _: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
    match expr {
        Expr::Add(a, b) => match (a.as_ref(), b.as_ref()) {
            (Expr::Val(x), Expr::Val(y)) => Some(Expr::Val(x + y)),
            _ => None,
        _ => None,

enum MyRule {

impl Rule<Expr, Meta> for MyRule {
    fn apply(&self, cmd: &mut Commands<Expr, Meta>, expr: &Expr, meta: &Meta) -> Option<Expr> {
        cmd.mut_meta(|m| m.num_applications += 1); // Only applied if successful
        match self {
            MyRule::EvalAdd => rule_eval_add(cmd, expr, meta),
            MyRule::Fee => None,
            MyRule::Fi => None,
            MyRule::Fo => None,
            MyRule::Fum => None,

struct Meta {
    num_applications: u32,

fn val(n: i32) -> Box<Expr> {

fn add(lhs: Box<Expr>, rhs: Box<Expr>) -> Box<Expr> {
    Box::new(Expr::Add(lhs, rhs))

fn nested_addition(n: i32) -> Box<Expr> {
    if n == 1 {
    } else {
        add(val(1), nested_addition(n - 1))

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let base: i32 = 2;
    let expr = *nested_addition(base.pow(5));
    let rules = vec![

    c.bench_function("left_add_hard", |b| {
        b.iter(|| {
            let meta = Meta {
                num_applications: 0,
            morph(rules.clone(), select_first, black_box(expr.clone()), meta)

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);


The benchmark right_add is identical to left_add, except there now we are evaluating ((...+1)+1) instead. This is designed to show the inherent left bias used in tree-morph. Performance is a little better than left_add. Due to the similarity with left_add, the code is omitted.


The most helpful feature that criterion produces is its automatic graphing software. Upon a run of cargo bench, criterion automatically produces html reports of all benchmarks, accessible in conjure-oxide/target/criterion. An example report is shown below. image The left graph is a probability density function for the run time. It says that on average it takes 854.26 µs for identity to run at a fixed depth (in this case 2^5 was used). The right graph is a cumulative time plot. The fact that the line is almost straight indicates that the run times are all very comparable in time. The additional stats provided are all standard statistics measurements, with MAD standing for the mean absolute deviation.

identity vs modify_leafs

The probability density functions for identity and modify_leafs are shown below, both evaluated a tree depth of 2^5. image image

As you can see, modify_leafs takes significantly longer (2300%) than identity on average, showing how costly even simple tree transformations take. This is most likely due to the fact that tree-morph does not edit in-place, but rather constructs a new tree after applying a transformation.


The following is the probability density function for factorial, ran at a max depth of 10 and a seed of [41; 32]. image

As you can see, even for a relatively small max depth compute is large. Also note that factorial still has a very small amount of rule groupings, and performance would likely be orders of magnitude worse if a number of rules comparable to a conjure problem was presented. This shows a significant need for optimisations, and an improved score on factorial would indicate a lot of good progress.

left_add vs left_add_hard

A comparison between left_add and left_add_hard is a clear demonstration of how detrimental duplicate rule checks can be for performance.

image image

Ignoring the differences between the shapes of the graphs (I am unsure why this is the case), we can immediately notice how the extra 4 dummy rules in left_add_hard lead to almost exactly a 400% increase in performance!

Further work

Benchmarks are still in an early stage, and there is lots more to do. Some ideas for future work include:

  • Set up some automated infrastructure for running benchmarks automatically on GitHub
  • Find out scaling laws for increasing tree depth for current benchmarks
  • Set up some head to head tests between two functions
  • Set up counters that can measure things like node counts, maximum tree depths and other useful information
  • Benchmark individual functions (such as a rule application) in order to better understand how trees grow and shrink during transformations
  • Benchmark meta applications