v1.0.1 🌈
185 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- Bump to 101 @constantinpape (#620)
- Update installation.md @constantinpape (#617)
- Update modelzoo urls @constantinpape (#619)
- Update notebooks - extend descriptions @anwai98 (#609)
- PyPI deployment (so micro-sam can be listed on napari-hub) @GenevieveBuckley (#606)
- Fix bug in ais state caching @constantinpape (#608)
- adapted code to fit to the new os-specific construct.yaml files @lufre1 (#605)
- 541 windows installer error @lufre1 (#593)
- Minor update to notebook docs @anwai98 (#602)
- Finalize inference and evaluation notebook with all functionalities @anwai98 (#600)
- Update napari.yaml, include napari-hub category labels @GenevieveBuckley (#599)
- Update links in notebooks and minor fixes @anwai98 (#598)
- Add more video links, clean up doc @constantinpape (#594)
- Update inference and evaluation notebook @anwai98 (#597)
- Update dataset mention for tracking specialist @anwai98 (#596)
- Fix pyqt error on macos-14 (macos-latest) @GenevieveBuckley (#595)
- Update FAQ: add resource and finetuning suggestions @anwai98 (#591)
- Minor doc fix in finetuning directory @anwai98 (#592)
- Add scripts for model uploads to zenodo @anwai98 (#587)
- Add zenodo links to all finetuned models @anwai98 (#589)
- Doc updates v10 @constantinpape (#588)
- Update inference time benchmarking plots @anwai98 (#579)
- Add batched inference and evaluation notebook @anwai98 (#586)
- Update evaluation functions for optional verbose @anwai98 (#585)
- Minor update to suggestion for running evaluation scripts @anwai98 (#584)
- Update dataset mention in notebooks @anwai98 (#583)
- Update paths in documentation and minor touch-ups @anwai98 (#580)
- Full bioimageio integration @constantinpape (#569)
- Update contributing.md @constantinpape (#582)
- corrected typo in python library.md and updated installer isntaructio… @lufre1 (#581)
- Finalize documentation @constantinpape (#568)