This processor can map values of an input field to another value in the output field.
Build with maven:
mvn package
Copy the jar to a place where Solr can find it:
mkdir $SOLR_HOME/lib
cp target/mapping-processor-1.1.0.jar $SOLR_HOME/lib/
NB: works only with unreleased build, see
bin/solr plugin repo add cominvent
bin/solr plugin install mapping-processor
OR the old way:
Download a pre-built jar from releases section.
and drop it in your $SOLR_HOME/lib/
Define the Processor:
<updateProcessor class="MappingUpdateProcessorFactory" name="mapping-processor>
<str name="inputField">myInField</str>
<str name="outputField">MyOutField</str>
<str name="idField">id</str>
<str name="fallback"></str>
<str name="mappingFile">mappings.txt</str>
The mapping file has same syntax as synonyms.txt, e.g.
fromValue => toValue
colour => color
Now you can refer to this processor by name in either an update chain or directly on the request, e.g. http://localhost:8983/solr/foo/update?processor=mapping-processor