collective.geo.geographer provides geo-annotation for Plone.
This package is based on Sean Gillies's idea (zgeo.geographer) and integrates its functionalities in collective.geo project.
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Table of contents
- Plone >= 4
This addon can be installed like any other addon, please follow the official documentation.
Any object that implements IAttributeAnnotatable and IGeoreferenceable can be adapted and geo-referenced.
All Zope content objects provide the former, and the latter can be easily configured via ZCML.
Let's test with an example placemark, which provides both of the marker interfaces mentioned above:
>>> from zope.interface import implements >>> from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable >>> from collective.geo.geographer.interfaces import IGeoreferenceable >>> class Placemark(object): ... implements(IGeoreferenceable, IAttributeAnnotatable) >>> placemark = Placemark()
Adapt it to IGeoreferenced :
>>> from collective.geo.geographer.interfaces import IGeoreferenced >>> geo = IGeoreferenced(placemark)
Its properties should all be None
>>> geo.type is None True >>> geo.coordinates is None True >>> is None True
Check whether the geo-referenceable object has coordinates or not:
>>> geo.hasCoordinates() False
Now set the location geometry to type Point and coordinates 105.08 degrees West, 40.59 degrees North using setGeoInterface :
>>> geo.setGeoInterface('Point', (-105.08, 40.59))
A georeferenced object has type
and coordinates
attributes which should
give us back what we put in:
>>> geo.type 'Point' >>> tuple(['%.2f' % x for x in geo.coordinates]) ('-105.08', '40.59') >>> is None True
Now the hasCoordinates method returns True:
>>> geo.hasCoordinates() True
An event should have been sent:
>>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents >>> from collective.geo.geographer.event import IObjectGeoreferencedEvent >>> events = getEvents(IObjectGeoreferencedEvent) >>> events[-1].object is placemark True
To remove the coordinate from a georeferenced object, we can use the removeGeoInterface method:
>>> geo.removeGeoInterface() >>> geo.type is None True >>> geo.coordinates is None True >>> is None True
Add geo-referenced content:
>>> from import setRoles >>> from import TEST_USER_ID >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager']) >>> oid = portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'doc') >>> doc = portal[oid]
If the content type doesn't implement IGeoreferenceable interfaces, we need to provide it:
>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides >>> alsoProvides(doc, IGeoreferenceable)
Now we can set the coordinates:
>>> from collective.geo.geographer.interfaces import IWriteGeoreferenced >>> geo = IWriteGeoreferenced(doc) >>> geo.setGeoInterface('Point', (-100, 40))
and reindex the document:
>>> doc.reindexObject(idxs=['zgeo_geometry'])
We can create a subscriber for IObjectGeoreferencedEvent to do that automatically.
Check the catalog results:
>>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName >>> catalog = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_catalog') >>> brain = [b for b in catalog({'getId': 'doc'})][0] >>> brain.zgeo_geometry['type'] 'Point' >>> brain.zgeo_geometry['coordinates'] (-100, 40)
A simple view (geoview ) notifies us if a context is geo-referenceable:
>>> view = doc.restrictedTraverse('@@geoview') >>> view.isGeoreferenceable() True
and allows us to find its coordinates:
>>> view.getCoordinates() ('Point', (-100, 40))
When we remove the coordinates, the corresponding index will return None
>>> geo.removeGeoInterface() >>> doc.reindexObject(idxs=['zgeo_geometry']) >>> brain = [b for b in catalog({'getId': 'doc'})][0] >>> brain.zgeo_geometry Missing.Value