A Python package to extract NASA satellite data at Montana Climate Office Mesonet stations using the AppEEARS API and store it in a Neo4j database. While this package was developed for the Montana Mesonet, it is flexible and could easily be applied to Mesonets in other states. The AppEEARS API requires a NASA Earthdata login (https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/users/new).
To use the full functionality of the package, you will need a .env
file with the following credentials defined:
- NEO4J_AUTH: The credentials to give the Neo4j database, formatted as {username}/{password}
- EarthdataLogin: Your NASA Earthdata username (do not include email).
- EarthdataPassword: Your NASA Earthdata password.
- Neo4jUser: The Neo4j user defined in NEO4J_AUTH
- Neo4jURI: bolt://{container_name}, where container_name is the name of the Docker container hosting the Neo4j database.
- Neo4jPassword: The password defined in NEO4J_AUTH.
(as well as thedocker-compose-plugin
To just use the functionality of the package, you can install from GitHub using pip
or poetry
pip install git+https://github.com/colinbrust/mt-mesonet-satellite.git@main
or using poetry:
poetry add git+https://github.com/colinbrust/mt-mesonet-satellite.git#main
Below is an example of how to setup a database and perform daily downloads of data from scratch. First, stand up the Neo4j database and install the package.
git clone https://github.com/mt-climate-office/mt-mesonet-satellite.git
cd mt-mesonet-satellite
# First, stand up the Neo4j database
docker compose up --build -d neo4j
# If you are on a Linux OS, you will need to specify your user and group ID to so you can read/write to the linked Docker volumes, where your user and group IDs are the output of id -u and id -g respectively:
# docker compose up --build -d -u 1001:1001 neo4j
# Install the package
poetry build
poetry shell
pip install .
Next, run the initialize.py script to download some example data. The initialize.py script downloads VIIRS NDVI and EVI data. You can explore other datasets to download at https://appeears.earthdatacloud.nasa.gov/products:
python ./processing/initialize.py
Once the data have been uploaded into the database, you can start the Docker container automatically downloads data every day:
docker compose up --build -d update
This container will find the date of the last data for each product in the database, automatically download the data and upload it to the database.