This is a fork from brodybits, thanks.
What's new:
- IOS8 style support (Breathing the fresh air once again)
- Multilanguage (Simplified Chinese added)
- Zepto compatible
- Fix a bunch of bugs (See below)
Please check Demo Page and demo_without_jqueryui.html for more details.
theme: 'ios', // options: ios / ios-classic / android-ics / android-ics light / android / sense-ui
lang: 'zh_CN', // options: zh_CN (default: Englishhhh)
preset: 'date', // options date / time / datetime
onClose: function(),
onSelect: function(),
onCancel: function()
Avoid CSS selector conflicts
Full screen blackdrop warranty
- Zepto compatible
- nahnnn
IOS8 style
Click blackdrop to close
- original
theme is renamed toios-classic
Fixed: Tap & hold changes the value on a 300ms interval instead of 200ms (for slower devices)
Fixed: When using custom wheels, parseValue function defaults to first value on the wheel, if cannot parse the input value to a valid wheel value
Added: showLabel option - show/hide labels on the top of the wheels, default is true
Added: showValue option - show/hide formatted value in the header of the popup, default is true
Added: Android ICS ('android-ics') and Android ICS Light ('android-ics light') skins
Fixed: Mouse scroll wheel works now with jQuery 1.7+
Fixed: Don't always parse input value on show, only if changed
Fixed: Time was incorrectly parsed, if there was no date
Fixed: First selected value did not work correctly by default for custom scrollers
Fixed: Incorerect parsing of am/pm time for 12:xx AM
Added: animation on touchend/mouseup event
Added: full CSS3 support for Opera 11 and IE10
Fixed: Destroy didn't set correctly the original readonly state of the input element.
Fixed: Input element is not set to readonly if showOnFocus is false
Fixed: Disabled state of form inputs was not correctly reset after hiding the scroller.
Fixed: Don't show scroller if disabled and show is called programatically.
Added: if the onClose handler returns false, close is now prevented.
Added: onCancel event handler.
- From now we are using .prop to set readonly/disabled states. This means thet jQuery >= 1.6 is required.
- Fixed: setDate method incorrectly sets year, when seconds option is false
Added: mode option, with two possible values: 'scroller' and 'clickpick', where 'scroller' is the default behaviour, while 'clickpick' renders + and - buttons for each wheel (Android style).
Added: new and updated skins: Android, Sense UI, iOS. Set the theme option to 'android', 'sense-ui' and 'ios'
- Support for jQuery Mobile 1.0beta1 is now removed (click event was not working). Upgrade to beta2 to use the latest version of MobiScroll.
'Scroller' mode is still not working in Firefox Mobile and IE on WP7
When using 'Clickpick' mode, very fast taps causes page zoom on HTC Android.
- Fixed: Click bleedtrough and focus holding with JQM beta 1
- Fixed: Missing hour 0 on timepicker
- Added: Date format options for date wheels through the dateOrder option