Make sure that everything on the Mac is up to date either by opening App Store and going to Update tab or by running software update from terminal using this command:
softwareupdate -l
If there's something to update you'll have to run this command to update it:
sudo softwareupdate -iva
To be able do do anything programming-related you'll have to install Xcode and Command Line Tools. To do it follow the steps below:
- Go to App Store and install Xcode (free software section).
- After the installation is complete open Xcode and accept terms and conditions (NECESSARY
‼️ ) - Open terminal and install Command Line Tools (or if you wish to install them from Xcode ➡️ Preferences ➡️ Locations):
xcode-select --install
To check if Command Line Tools were successfully installed on your machine you can simply type
in terminal and you should see some something useful likeclang: error: no input files
Solution described above is okay, but you can use something better for installing Xcode and Command Line Tools.
You have to check a great tool called xcode-install
. So, let's just jump into this:
sudo gem install xcode-install
After this you can get a list of available Xcodes by calling:
xcversion list
And if you want to install Xcode, simply call
xcversion install "version here e.g. 7.0 GM seed"
It'll take a looooooong, long time and ask you for password twice, so be patient because it's worth the hustle! 🔫 You can also use this CLI tool to install Command Line Tools itself or Simulators.
To install dotfiles and it's dependencies go to $HOME
directory and run:
git clone .dotfiles
than change directory to the .dotfiles
and simply run:
Of course you can easily use each file without calling
There are 3 names of the computer which you probably would like to set:
is the so-called user-friendly name for the Mac, it’s what will show up on the Mac itself and what will be visible to others when connecting to it over a local network. This is also what’s visible under the Sharing preference panel.scutil --set ComputerName "MacBook Willy"
is the name assigned to the computer as visible from the command line, and it’s also used by local and remote networks when connecting through SSH and Remote Login.scutil --set HostName "centauri"
is the name identifier used by Bonjour and visible through file sharing services like AirDrop.scutil --set LocalHostName "MacBookPro"
Since macOS is more and more about preventing users from messing around with software, Gatekeeper is enabled by default in Sierra, and since I use a lot of third party software I have to disabl Gatekeeper by running this command:
sudo spctl --master-disable
To avoid some complication during the installation process you'll have to enable installation of third party software. To do this follow bullet points:
- Go to Preferences.
- Go to Security....
- Select Allow software downloaded from unknown sources.
I'm using Fira Code font family for all my code-related things like editors, IDEs etc. Please follow installation guides in the repository of this Monospaced font.
To have complete configuration you have to download custom theme and install it. I use Tomorrow Night with Fira Code 12pt.
Terminal app shows this stupid Las Login
command. You can disable it by simply creating .hushlogin
file in home directory:
touch ~/.hushlogin
What's more, to complete setting up open preferences and there's a couple of things to set...
- General tab:
- New window with profile: Tomorrow Night
- Profiles tab:
- Set Tomorrow Night as default (at the bottom of table view)
- Text:
- Background - 90% opacity and 30% blur
- Font is Fira Code 12pt
- Text - everything selected here
- Cursor:
- Square
- Blinking
- 30% opacity
- Window:
- Active process
- Advanced:
- Bell:
- Visual signal only
- Bell:
Right now I use (Atom)[], so it's fairly simple to set it up as it works pretty nice from the beginning. One thing that you need to do is install third party plugins.
To install them you have to call following command:
apm install --packages-file atom/packages
You'll have to install default theme and set some properties manually. Follow the steps listed below:
- Fonts and Colors:
Tomorrow Night
- Font to Fira Code, 12
- Text Editing:
- Show Line Numbers
- Page guide at column
- Source Control:
- Refresh server status automatically
Please see the screenshot below for the default Dock icons positioning. Feel free to do it whatever you like your icons grouped.
For Documents and Downloads directories in Dock I've set this options:
- Sort by add date
- Show as directory
- Show content automaticaly
Other tools which cannot be istalled using Homebrew Cask need to be installed manually. Most of them via App Store.