Simple Project Management System for an Engineering firm called Poised created in Java and SQL
- Built with
- Personal Details
- Project Details
- Display Projects
- Modify
- Program
A project management system for a small structural engineering firm called Poised to keep track of the projects on which they work on.
- Project number
- project name
- What type of building is being built
- The physical Address of the Project
- ERF number
- Fees charged
- Amount paid
- Architect details
- Contractor details
- Customer details
- Java
Allows the user to capture save personal details to the database:
name,telephone number,email address, physical address,Id
The program allows capturing of all relevant information on the project
- Project number
- Project name
- fees charged
- Amount paid
- building type
- Erf number
- Due date
- Completion date
- Outstanding amounts
This program enables all project related querying and creating a direct line to the database on the project details relating to the contractor, architect and customer.
This area of the code allows the project manager to modify the project data by updating deleting personal details, project details, building type, date of completion and project number.
The Program compiles and captures all inputted data and runs the Poise complied project manangement system to capture and display.
Personal detail of Architect.
Personal details of Contractor.
Project life-cycle.
Payments completed and outstanding.