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This tool allows you to visualize SHACL data model files as a UML-like class diagram with the following features:

  • diagram nodes correspond to the target classes of sh:targetClass of sh:NodeShape, not the sh:NodeShape themselves.
  • class labels are taken from dc:title of the node shapes (falling back to rdfs:label of the sh:targetClass)
  • diagram edges correspond to sh:PropertyShapes
  • their labels are taken from sh:name (falling back to sh:description)
  • configurable RDFS classes/datatypes that will be visualized as fields (not edges) in the diagram.
  • configurable filter to ignore certain domainClass-property-rangeClass combinations (e.g. to select only required elements for the diagram)
  • export formats - PlantUML (auto-layout), TGF graph importable by yEd (for advanced layouts and manual editing)

Diagram Generation

The diagram generation works specific form of a SHACL file representing a data model with the following constraints:

  • a node shape to be visualized must have
    • sh:targetClass pointing to an IRI of a class
  • each property shape
    • must have an sh:path pointing to an IRI of a property.
    • can have optionally these properties
      • sh:datatype
      • sh:maxCount
      • sh:minCount
  • labels are taken from rdfs:label of the target ontology class/ontology property in the path. In case there is a dc:title of the given class shape (resp. sh:name of the given property shape), it overrides the label of the ontology entity. If neither label is present, it is extracted from the IRI.

Minimal Example

export SHACL_FILE=src/test/resources/example.ttl
export OUTPUT_FILE=src/test/resources/example.puml
./gradlew run --args="$SHACL_FILE $OUTPUT_FILE"

This generates a PlantUML file taking into account all property shapes, and considering only data types as fields.

Make a class visualized as a field

echo "SELECT ?field {} VALUES ?field { <> <> }" > fieldQuery.rq 
export SHACL_FILE=src/test/resources/example.ttl
export OUTPUT_FILE=src/test/resources/example.puml
./gradlew run --args="$SHACL_FILE $OUTPUT_FILE --fieldQuery=fieldQuery.rq --hideOrphanNodes=false"

Generates the same diagram, but showing skos:Concept as fields instead of nodes. The --hideOrphanNodes=false flag ensures that the also nodes (here 'string') without any in/out links and fields are shown in the diagram.

Only visualize required edges/fields

export SHACL_FILE=src/test/resources/example.ttl
export OUTPUT_FILE=src/test/resources/example.puml
./gradlew run --args="$SHACL_FILE $OUTPUT_FILE --filterQuery=classpath:/edges-required-only.rq"

Filters out all constraints (edges/fields) that have minCount < 1.

Generate TGF for advanced layout

export SHACL_FILE=src/test/resources/example.ttl
export OUTPUT_FILE=src/test/resources/example.tgf
./gradlew run --args="$SHACL_FILE --outputFormat tgf $OUTPUT_FILE"

Generates a TGF graph.

  1. Open the TGF file in yEd editor.
  2. Execute "Fit Node to Size" and "Hierarchical Layout" (or choose another layout)
  3. Perform any manual editing/layout
  4. Save the diagram as GraphML/Export it to the desired format (e.g. svg/png)


A tool to create flexible SHACL diagrams in PlantUML or yEd








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