This projects creates a CLI application that allows scraping the Alkatronic API and saves
the data in a Postgresql database. You can run one time to prepopulate the last 7
, 30
, or 90
days worth
of metrics on the Alkatronic site. You can also run as a daemon to continuously scrape the Alkatronic site to
to collect metrics as they come in. This project relies on the Alkatronic client API here
- This example pulls down the last 90 days worth of test records from Alkatronic and saves to the database:
docker run -it \
-e DB_CONNECTION_STRING="postgresql://postgres:password@db-host_here:5432/db-name" \
codyja/alkalog:0.0.2 alkalog -days 90
- Run in as a long running service that pulls new records every 30 minutes:
docker run -d --name alkalog --restart=always \
-e DB_CONNECTION_STRING="postgresql://postgres:password@db-host_here:5432/db-name" \
codyja/alkalog:0.0.2 alkalog -d