A Sqlite data store for Ranvier MUD as an alternative to flat file storage
To install and use, on the command line in your ranvier folder first do the following:
Install sqlite, e.g. on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install sqlite3
In your ranvier folder, install the better-sqlite3 node module: npm install better-sqlite3
Install this node module: npm install ranvier-datasource-sqlite
Update your ranvier.json to specify the file as a requirement like so: At the end of JsonDirectory require block add a comma after the }, and add these lines: "Sqlite": { "require": "ranvier-datasource-sqlite.SqliteDataSource" }
Update your ranvier.json file with the needed config for table name, e.g. for using sqlite as your data store for players, it should look like this:
"players": { "source": "Sqlite", "config": { "database": "ranvierdb", "table": "players" } },
- Start ranvier and it should be working!